Estonian PM Vows To Help Vote Against Kosher Labeling Legislation In EU Parliament

Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip said that he would help convince his colleagues in the European Parliament to vote against the kosher labeling law when it comes for a vote in July.

He made the pledge during a meeting in Brussels with the Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) and representatives of European Jewish organizations.

The RCE thanked Prime Minister Ansip for his assistance on an issue of enormous importance for the Jewish community in Europe. “Prime Minister Ansip’s support is vital on this issue and hopefully his strong and moral voice can set an example for other European leaders,” said Rabbi Arye Goldberg, RCE’s  deputy director. 

“This isn’t an issue of animal welfare or humanitarianism, this is about the future of Jewish religious practice in Europe and we are delighted that Prime Minister Ansip understands the ramifications of this proposed legislation.”

Last year, the European Council of Ministers set aside an amendment voted by the European Parliament calling for all meat products derived from animals slaughtered by shechita or Jewish ritual slaughter to be labeled “meat from slaughter without stunning”.

But a new draft of the amendment will return to the European Parliament for a second reading in June. 

Jewish organizations, like the RCE, vowed to continue to work on ensuring that the Jews in Europe will continue to maintain their religious practices without discrimination

During the meeting with Prime Minister Ansip, the REC thanked him for his friendship towards the Estonian Jewish community – around 3,000 people- and his close cooperation with the country’s Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kot.

It was also mentioned that the Estonian government will build a memorial for the Jews that were killed during the Holocaust.

Last December, a delegation from the RCE met in  Tallinn with several Estonian laders, including Prime Minister Ansip, who has since been reelected to his position.

The RCE is an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Jewish communities in Europe.

(Source: EJP)

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