Multiple Swastikas Found On Williamsburg Homes

8:40PM EST: The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Unit has been sent to investigate a bias crime in the heart of Williamsburg’s Chasidic community, YWN has learned.

Numerous swastikas were found by a residents late Sunday afternoon, all along Marcy Avenue – from Hayward Street to Rodney Street. The swastikas are reportedly written on homes all along the street. At least eight swastikas have been found.

Williamsburg Shomrim (WSPU) had received a call to their hotline reporting the swastikas and dispatched their members to investigate. Upon their arrival, they contacted the NYPD’s 90th Precinct, and Hate Crimes Unit.

Shomrim are reaching out the community, and asking if anyone saw anything suspicious, they should please call the 24hr Williamsburg Shomrim Hotline at 718-237-0202.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Willy is buzzing day and night, with people walking around all hours of the day and night. How didnt people see anything? Perhaps the perp dressed like an Inzere.

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