How Everyone Can Experience Shavuos Night Learning At Beth Medrash Govoha

On the yom tov of Matan Torah, the Ir HaTorah rejoices. All night long the streets of Lakewood are filled with people streaming to and from hundreds of shuls and batei medrash as thousands of guests and visitors converge on the town, eager to join in the tremendous learning on the first night of yom tov. The ruach is palpable. At the center of it all, in the great batei medrash of Beth Medrash Govoha, generations of sons, fathers and grandfathers join the illustrious ranks of Torah yungeleit. Talmidim of all ages blend their voices in the Kol Torah whose pure sweet notes sing out on every breeze. 

To experience even one Shavuos in Lakewood is an inspiration that can last a lifetime, but even if you can’t be there in person, you can still take part in the Yeshiva’s grand celebration of Kabolas HaTorah; you can still share in the zechus of this awesome night of learning.

Each year, the Yeshiva puts up a signboard in the main bais medrash with the names of individuals in whose zchus or memory the learning of Layl Shavuos is dedicated. You can dedicate the Shavuos night learning in memory of your loved ones, for a zchus for a Refuah, or a shidduch by being menadev tzedaka with a gift of $36 or more to Beth Medrash Govoha. Just click here and follow the simple instructions

May the learning of Torah in Klal Yisroel recall our presence at Ma’amad Har Sinai and bring forth the Geula b’mhayra b’yameinu!


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