IT’S ON: Sarah Palin To Embark On Bus Tour As Presidential Speculation Builds

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) will begin a nationwide bus tour on Sunday designed to drum up support for a potential presidential bid.

Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, will start her tour in Washington, D.C., at the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally, according to a statement posted on the SarahPAC website. The tour is expected to last several weeks and travel to key early primary states.

“Starting this weekend, Sarah Palin will embark on a One Nation Tour of historical sites that were key to the formation, survival, and growth of the United States of America,” the statement reads. “The tour will originate in Washington, D.C. and will proceed north up the east coast.”

Buzz has been building over the past several weeks that Palin will enter the race for the Republican presidential nomination — a move that will no doubt shake up the GOP field.

Most observers believe the field to be set, particularly after Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, business mogul Donald Trump and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee declined to run.

But several Repubicans have expressed unhappiness with their choices, prompting speculation a dark horse candidate could enter the field.

Palin has fueled that talk with a series of moves that point toward a likely candidacy.

 The DrudgeReport reported the following on Thursday afternoon:


Sarah Palin will hit the road this Memorial Day weekend on a tour of the Northeast — with a stop in New Hampshire — aboard a red, white and blue bus emblazoned with the words: “One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty & Justice For All.”

(Source: The Hill / Drudge)

14 Responses

  1. It’s ridiculous. She’s spent the past two years cementing her image as a celebrity, as opposed to a politican. She left her job as a governor, she did a reality show.This is not someone who should be President, she’s not someone who can beat Obama by any means.

  2. The lady has solid common sense, but she’s not ready to take on the serious responsibilities of dealing with a world in turmoil.

    Herman Cain is a much wiser man, experienced in dealing with crisis situations. His ability to communicate in plain language is Reaganesque.

    With Michelle Bachmann as his Vice Presidential running mate, this would be a dynamite ticket.

  3. If Sarah Palin runs – and all the more so if she acquires the Republican nomination – charliehall, nfgo3, ProudLiberal, runwitharetz (a.k.a. George Orwell), YonasonW, and their ilk will have a field day.

    My choice for a dark-horse ticket is former Florida governor Jeb Bush for President, and CENTCOM head Gen. David Petraeus for veep, to balance the ticket.

    Until Jeb or some other normal feller enters the race, my vote’s either for Tim Pawlenty or Herman Cain.

  4. It’s not a matter of a chiyuv to vote for Gov. Palin. And it’s not a matter of if someone can defeat Pres. Obama. It is a matter of a chiyuv to vote period and to vote for those ideals that are congruent with our ideals. Regardless of who that is, by doing so, not only will the elected official hear what we stand for, but more importantly the RS”O will hear and lev melachim b’yad HaShem and b’derech she’Adam rotzeh leilech, bo molichin oso.

  5. I believe she will make an excellent candidate. She is very good at getting her message out unfiltered by the media and that is exactly what is needed. The left is really afraid of her and will go bonkers if she decides to run. It will be fun to watch.

  6. No. 5: Thank you for including in your link my explanations of why you are wrong. I’ve never mastered the link thing.

  7. What is the problem with Sarah Palin? She seems so full of common sense, (something that Obama never even heard of). She answers very well, and knows how to put these lefties in their place. Why are the conservative/republican groups so against her? I’m just afraid that the horrible media will make mincemeat out of her, even though I think she could deal with it.

  8. She will shake up the republican party. That’s for sure. And she will arise in politic. She will be in washington. If not president she will be vp or secretary of state. I personally think she is not good as chief.

  9. No. 4: I will not be having any field day if Sarah Palin becomes a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, or worse, if she becomes the Republican nominee. I hope that the Republican party nominates the most qualified candidate it can find to run for president under the Republican banner. I don’t know who that is, but I certainly don’t want a Republican candidate who is utterly unqualified, like Sarah Palin, or some other screwball candidate like Donald Trump and/or that thing on his head. Though those candidates would, very likely, be easily defeated by my first choice for president (the incumbent), the risk of an unqualified candidate’s actually winning is too great for me to wish for a mediocre opponent from the minority party.

    If I do have a field day, I will announce it myself, and you would be invited.

    Among other things, a bad candidate dumbs down the level of debate among the candidates. There are genuine challenges facing the federal government, and a candidate who thinks “seeing Russia” from her front porch makes her a foreign policy expert is not going to contribute to a discussion about future relations with the Putinocracy that Russia has become, or the difficult balance that the US must maintain in order to support its only genuine ally in the Middle East to achieve recognition from its sovereign neighbors and secure and defensible borders. Name-calling, cheerleading and bombast may get a lot of votes, but it will not solve serious problems for a nation with a serious role to play in a very difficult and complicated world, and it certainly won’t elevate the caliber of the debate over issues facing the federal government.

  10. She loves Jews and Israel. A lot more than I can say for the president who is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I couldn’t care less what ignorant liberal “orthodox Jews” think of her. I know Hashem loves her for being outspokenly supportive of His children. She is my heroine as Reagan is my hero.

  11. nfgo3:

    If the citizens of America vote for Railin’ Palin or Donald Duck, they don’t deserve better. Rest assured, they shan’t win. At least we can agree on one thing – Palin or Trump wouldn’t be good for America.

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