Pataki Refloats 2012 Run

Don’t count him out yet: Former New York Gov. George Pataki said Tuesday he’ll make a decision about getting into the 2012 presidential race in the next month during a swing through New Hampshire to talk about the national debt.

“I’m not running now,” Pataki said, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported. “But we’ll see what happens over the course of the next month.”

Pataki is chairing a group called No American Debt, a campaign-style group that’s running ads in key early states like New Hampshire, focusing attention on the nation’s fiscal situation and criticizing President Obama.

When he launched the group, Pataki said on Fox News, “I am not running” for the presidency.

Pataki adviser Dave Catalfamo said the governor had never foreclosed anything about his future.

“The governor is focused right now on No American Debt and is hopeful that thoughtful solutions to the debt crisis will be advanced in Washington and by the presidential candidates,” Catalfamo said. “He is not a candidate for president right now, but he has never ruled it out.”

(Source: Politico)

One Response

  1. If he was SENATOR PATAKI (especially after taking out Chuck Schumer), he would be a front runner (ditto for Guiliani).

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