YWN Radio Launches Updated iPhone App!

The number of listeners to YWN Radio is Boruch Hashem growing rapidly. Most folks find it enjoyable while working to have Jewish music streaming live all day, while others listen at home, and others are listening while on the go with the YWN Radio iPhone App.

The totally free App works on iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch.

Streaming apps for other mobile devices are currently being worked on, and will let our readers/listeners know when that is available.

Simply click HERE to download the updated application, and enjoy YWN Radio wherever you are.

Feel free to email this to anyone with an iPhone so they too can enjoy from this wonderful free service.

YWN Radio will be implementing many additional features on our streaming radio in the near future – so stay tuned!

Have you checked out YWN Radio yet? Click HERE to listen!

–YWN Admin.

6 Responses

  1. android is the #1 smartphone in the world. BB is #2 and iPhone is #3 on the line! so please make already a android app for your website and plus for the YWN Radio

  2. There are apps on the android market that support Yeshiva World Radio. For example, search “JStream” on the android market.

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