President Obama Apparently Thinks (Or Maybe Hopes?) It’s Still 2008

On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guestbook, writing, “It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.”

Then, he goofed. He added “24 May 2008.” It’s not clear if he was having more fun on May 24, 2011, that he had three years ago on the same date, when he was in Puerto Rico for one of the last Democratic primaries in his race against then-Sen. Hillary Clinton.

President Obama has a lot on his mind and maybe that’s his excuse for the mistake he made during his his extensive London tour of visiting Buckingham Palace with the Queen of England and meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron.

Anyone could get the day of the month wrong, but to get the year wrong? And by three years? Maybe Obama is just yearning for more cheerful times, maybe he was so captivated by the tour provided by The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster Abbey, or maybe someone may have slammed a Guinness or two more than they could handle?


The text of what Obama wrote in the guestbook:

It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.

Barack Obama

24 May 2008

(Source: The Atlantic / New Yorker)

10 Responses

  1. Just another piece of evidence that Obama has no clue what is going in the world. I agree with the statement wrong day/month but the year and not even close!
    Can we go back to 2008 and REDO the elections!

  2. The telepromter or the earpiece advisers told him what to write – they even told him the date. They omitted the year thinking that much he could handle. They won’t repeat that mistake again.

  3. No. 1: Your first sentence is true.

    No. 4: Permit me to paraphrase No. 3 – good thing he (President Obama) didn’t make such errors when pushing the kill-Osama button. Ever wonder why his predecessor never pushed that button? I don’t. His predecessor was too lazy to look for it, or too incompetent to ask the CIA and US Armed Forces to install it.

  4. True but the credit is his regardless. BHO as you call him didn’t pass healthcare reform but likewise the credit is his regardless.

  5. Let me just say I disagree with nfgo3’s interpretation of my comment. I said in an attempt at humor, good thing Obama didn’t make a mistake in something serious. And I think it is foolish to imply President Bush did not get Osama because he was lazy.

  6. Look at the difference between his wife’s signature and his own. Its obvious that he hasnt a clue how to spell his name either… ☺

  7. No. 7: My opinion that President Bush was not actively pursuing Osama bin Laden is based, in part, on President Bush’s own words, in a statement he made about 6 months after 9/11. He said that he does not give much thought to Osama bin Laden and is not concerned about bin Laden because he thinks he has been incapacitated by his need to live in a cave. We know now that that is utterly wrong. Other evidence that Bush was not trying to find bin Laden is of course the fact that he could not do it in seven years, but his successor did it in two.

    No. 8: President Bush coasted through life, starting with a privileged prep school, a privileged but otherwise unearned spot in a distinguished college, followed by 15-20 years of unexplained sinecures with nominal responsibilies in businesses his family’s wealth and connections bought for him. If I had his privileges, I might have succumbed to the same lackadaisical walk through life that has been his chosen path, but I hope I would have had the courtesy not to allow my family to foist me on the people of Texas or the United States. Call it laziness, call it apathy, call it indifference. Just don’t call him for help with serious matters.

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