NYS Senator Introduces ‘Defense Of Marriage’ Bill To Void Same-Gender Marriages From Other States

Brooklyn state Sen. Martin Golden opposes same-gender marriage – and he wants to stop New York from recognizing same-gender nuptials performed in other states.

Golden, a Republican, quietly introduced a “defense of marriage” bill Thursday that would “void” same-gender marriages legally performed in other states.

“I am sending the message that there is some normalcy in this great state when it comes to the principled idea that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Golden said.

The bill would roll back a 2008 executive order signed by then-Gov. David Paterson forcing state agencies to recognize same-gender weddings performed in other states.

(Source: NY Daily News)

6 Responses

  1. It’s good to see some action being taken in defense of morality and against abomination. And Kudos to the Aguda and others fighting the good fight.

  2. The problem with this is that it conflicts with court opinions that REQUIRE all out of state and out of country marriages to be recognized in New York.

  3. #5 charlie – you are incorrect. The Federal Defense of Marriage Act protects states to not recognize out-of-state abomination “marriage”.

    And in fact almost every state without abomination marriage, does not recognize the abomination marriages of the 5 states that do them.

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