Romney: Obama Disrespected Israel, Threw It Under The Bus

President Obama “disrespected” Israel and threw it “under the bus” in a wide-ranging speech on the Middle East on Thursday, GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney charged.

Romney strongly criticized Obama, who, in a speech at the State Department, called for Israel to return to its border lines as drawn before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

“President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus. He has disrespected Israel and undermined its ability to negotiate peace,” Romney said in a statement.

“He has also violated a first principle of American foreign policy, which is to stand firm by our friends,” added the former Massachusetts governor.

(Source: The Hill)

7 Responses

  1. Obama doesn’t care about his friends! He threw away Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen.. The list goes on! He’s a horrible president and 2012 couldn’t come quicker!!

  2. Maybe we should remind the president which side he is on. because he does not seem to realize he is President of the US and not president of some Moslem country where if you are not one of them you are against them.

  3. Mr. President.

    You showing you real face and ideology. I’m proud you not hiding it. But let me tell you GW bush was worse than you. He throw out hundreds of families from gush katif. So don’t get humiliated by the right wing. You are just a simple goy.

  4. GWB did not trow out anyone, it was Ariel Shron. Bush once told a Chabad Rabbi; “Its not me its your own goverment, I will never sacrify the security of Isreal”.

  5. This President is nothing more than a people pleaser. People pleaser will do anything to get another persons approval. But those that are close to him he doesn’t care about and nor respects. Likewise with our President, he truly believes that by being nice and giving that they will come to love him. While completely disregarding his own families best interest. (ISrael, Egypt, England, etc.). I once read an article on Game Theory. It proves mathematically that one who runs after peace, peace will run from him. Thats exactly whats going on in todays world.

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