OBAMA SIDES WITH PALESTINE: Obama Says Palestine Deserves 1967 Borders

President Barack Obama is endorsing the Palestinians’ demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, in a move that will likely infuriate Israel. Israel says the borders of a Palestinian state have to be determined through negotiations.

In a speech outlining U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Obama on Thursday sided with the Palestinians’ opening position a day ahead of a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to referring to the 1967 borders.

Until Thursday, the U.S. position had been that the Palestinian goal of a state based on the 1967 borders, with agreed land swaps, should be reconciled with Israel’s desire for a secure Jewish state through negotiations.

(Source: Yahoo)

35 Responses

  1. This is Obama’s version of negotiations, all Obama has done with his good will is to set up Israel for a war for it life as it was in 1948 and I”YH G-D will be with us and we will be victorious for to think otherwise is “un-thinkalbe”.
    Obama continues on his list to destroy and eliminate all the friends of the US, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and may H”B protect us from this so called “black Messiah”

  2. Thanks to liberals like charlie hall. You people are sick. And you still think Obama H’rasha and Bush are the same.

  3. at the end of the day Israel can eat its own garbage now, as long as Israel does not stand up and say this is Eretz Yisrael and even Syria Lebanon etc is really ours then of course Obama really is right saying the Jews expelled the arabs etc…. So thank you again Zionist for bringing this Tzarah on us.

  4. Much ado about nothing. There is absolutely no difference between Obama’s “new” postion and the “old” U.S. position, “a secure israel within the ’67 borders”.

  5. #3,


    #1 & #4

    I didn’t vote for this guy but seriously you don’t realize how this all fits into Hashem’s story?

  6. WHAT A MISLEADING TITLE! And to think that it’s a special YWN breaking news. If you look at the text of the speech it says “the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.” That doesn’t sound like anything this article states. The two-state solution was anyways based on the ’67 borders, albeit not exactly what had existed pre-’67 and Obama is just reiterating that.

    I’m no Obama lover and I’m the first one to say he should go in ’12, but you have to report it like it is.

  7. Mr. Obama, remember that the tie will come for you to pay for creating more havoc than there already is. Hopefully the left will open its eyes before the next election.

  8. After my comment above i believe i must add
    Those who curse Israel shall be cursed (Genesis 12:3). No weapon that is formed against Israel shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).
    Does anyone need additional proof that this president is both an enemy of the American people and Israel? No other president in the history of America officially stood against Israel…not even Carter!
    Make no mistake, the US does this at her peril.

    another question Since when does the United States have the authority to determine the sovereignty of Israel’s border? Does some other powerful country have the authority to tell us we must scale back our border to pre-1848 borders because of the immigration crises from Mexico? Just as Israel fought all her wars successfully and we did ours for the borders we presently have, then it is only earned by wars to change the borders, historically. Diplomacy, however backed by might, does NOT change borders, war does. If history teaches anything, Obama is blowing hot air to bolster his re-election prospects I guess Mexico is going to expect lands returned now. All they have to do is show the Aztecs really were Muslims….

  9. Obama loves all the people in the world equally. Justice and peace shall reign supreme.

    It’s pretty obvious that most Jews support Obama’s position in regards to Israel. Otherwise they wouldn’t support the President. It’s only a minority of conservative Glenn Beck types that support Israel.

  10. Getzel1,

    Garbage? Israel is ours! Hashem gave it to us! As well as parts of Syria & Lebabnon! Don’t thank the Zionists, thank Hashem, who is the ultimate Zionist!

    Tzarah? Bring it on! Hashem is on our side! Who’s side are you on?


  11. i really think obama wants to intagate war with israel and arabs. he wants it to start
    hashem is making him make it start

  12. This is old news. Not surprising. Did you notice he said Palestine will have “contiguous territory”, what does that mean? How will he connect Gaza and the West Bank?

    This article ignores the many pro-Israel parts of the speech.

  13. This position will not last. The Jews will prevail and they will once again return to their land that was expropriated from them.

  14. To #5: kol yisrael areivim ze la ze” you are as responsible as anyone else. Now is not the time for pointing fingers and for separation, rather we should all unite as one in tefillah and teshuva.
    #2- you hit the nail on the head!

  15. this is not a chidush. your headline is very misleading. Pre 1967 borders was befeirush in the Bush road map. he caleld for a contiguous Palestinian state with israel “ending occupation” it began in 1967. it was part of the road map and he repeated numerious times of all 8 years of his presidency. Obama is not the first, he is just continuiong. no chidushim here at all,.

  16. the chidush here is that he made this announcement after the hamas fatah peace treaty, and after the plo’s push for statehood on its own,

    he is siding with terrorism, that is the difference between bushs peace plan, and obamas.

    israel is in deep trouble.

  17. No. 1: No, I will not now admit I am wrong. As No. 6 says, there is very little that is new about the position reported here and the policy of every US administration since 1948. What is different may be – may be – that the current US president, standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, may succeed in convincing the Palestinian Arabs and Israel’s sovereign neighbors that the US will insist on their open, genuine, treaty-bound and credible recognition of the right of the State of Israel to exist, and the right of the State of Israel to specific, secure borders, not too different than the borders in place before the ’67 war. As for the balance of Eretz Yisrael, that is in the hands of Hashem and the people He has chosen to do His mitzvahs.

    No. 2: Who, other than you, has called President Obama the “black Messiah”? If it were a liberal, he/she would have used the more currently fashionable phrase “African American” instead of the late-60’s word “black.” And no liberal I know thinks that President Obama is any kind of messiah.

    No. 4: As I told No. 1, if you want to secure the borders of Eretz Yisrael, add a few mitzvahs to your day. May I suggest that you increase your chesed by not calling the people you disagree with “sick.”

  18. I agree with the President!

    Although I am usually opposed to the President’s liberal agenda, I must declare that I fully support the President’s proposal.I know that President Obama has forever been an ardent supporter of the Muslims around the world, particularly to the Palestinian plight; however, this time he got it right.

    Fact is that we cannot push off the peace process any longer. The status-quo is unacceptable, undesirable and disastrous for the Middle East and the world. Terrorists are constantly planning attacks on innocent Israeli civilians. Children’s throats are slashed while peacefully asleep and mothers are mercilessly taken away from their families forever. Businessmen often never make it home from works and soldiers stay left behind on foreign land. People live in fear as rockets constantly disrupt their daily routine. It must stop, and a solution must be sought.

    President Obama finally offered the solution that no American president ever had the guts to do. Just days after his “gutsy” move to eliminate Bin Laden, he is here with another surprise – peace in the Middle East. Setting Palestine within the pre-1967 borders is the best solution. I applaud the President for this “gutsy” decision.

    The pre-1967 borders for Palestine was in the Mediterranean…

  19. its all from the ribono shel olam lets make up..we need to do teshuva….im bechukosai teleichu it will be good…chas vishalom if not…

  20. #24 Do you realize that every major city in Israel is within close firing range of the borders of Judea and Samaria?

  21. Proud liberal: “Presdent Obama loves all the people in the world equally”

    Does that include Hitler, Osama Bin Ladin, AhmediniJIHAD, Eichmann, Joseph Mangele, Saddam Husein, Assad, Ghadafi, Ida Amin of uganda,And all of the world’s scum, equal to their victims?

  22. Wow, Dave – good one! You really had me scared for those four paragraphs that you had lost your mind.

    Of course, there was no ‘Palestine’ in 1967 – or ever.

    It was a term invented by Yassir Arafat (ym”sh) in 1964 when he, along with his KGB Communist pals, founded the Palestine Liberation Organization – which had nothing to do with the West Bank (under Jordan’s control) or Gaza (under Egypt’s control).

  23. am i censored again? pity. i didnt even insult limbaugh.

    Moderators response: Your comment was published in its entirety, without any editing whatsoever.

  24. As others have pointed out, there is nothing new here. Agree or disagree, this is a continuation of Bush’s policy. The attacks on Obama are from Republican partisans who deliberately obscure the fact that the Bush Road Map, published in 2003, set the 1967 borders as the basis for a final settlement, and that Bush had personally called for a Palestinian State in 2001.

  25. #31, You are incorrect; “Palestine” was created in the 1920s by the League of Nations Mandate that also explicitly created a “Palestinian” nationality.

  26. Does everyone realize, that the ’67 borders include RAMAT ESHKOL, GIVAAT HAMIVTAAR, and many other frum communities that would be given back to ARABS if the ’67 borders were to be upheld????

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