Obama Campaign Cashes In On Birther Controversy

President Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign today started selling “Made in the USA” t-shirts featuring images of both President Obama and the long-form birth certificate he released copies of last month.

“Wear your support for this campaign with an official Made in the USA T-shirt,” his website advertises. Donate $25 or more today and we’ll send you your limited-edition shirt.

Part of the reason for the shirts, a campaign official told ABC News, is that despite the president’s release last month of his long-form birth certificate, conservative fact-challenged author Jerome Corsi’s book “Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President” was published this week.

Selling products featuring the long-form birth certificate might be a risk for the campaign, given how seriously the president and many of his top aides have objected to the birther lie, some suggesting that it is in no small part a racist way to make the president seem “other.” Merchandise featuring the birth certificate could be seen as trivializing those concerns, or even crassly exploiting them to raise campaign cash.


3 Responses

  1. How about some enterprising Yid in the clothing business make these T-shirts…

    but with a big ?, i.e. question mark after the Made in the USA!


    Made in the USA?

  2. No. 1: To answer your question: Enterprising Yids know that your idea is a loser. And, obviously, the enterprising Yids are in Obama’s camp – who else could have thought of turning the birther nonsense into a money-maker. That enterprising goy, Trump, didn’t think of putting this idea on his TV show and having Gary Busey and Meatloaf sell the shirts out of a truck in Boro Park

    My only objection to this article is: why no hyperlink so I can order my T-shirt?

    And who wrote that tripe in the last paragraph about this idea being too risky for the Obama campaign? That is someone’s idle speculation, which belongs in an editorial, but not in a news article, unless someone actually said that tripe.

  3. The Trash Talker In Chief is at it again. Election Day 2012 will be a holiday & Jan 20, 2013 will be even greater.

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