Yeshuos Rashbi – Lag Ba’Omer Meron 5771

Once again the peace and safety of Eretz Yisrael is being jeopardized. As the Arabs line up at the borders trying to infiltrate and disrupt the safety of our land, the Jewish nation is preparing for yeshuos in other ways. We are preparing for one of the biggest days of the year, Lag B’omer. Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai on his death bed promised his talmidim that anyone who contributes to increasing the simcha on his Yartzeit; he will increase simcha in their lives. Countless people have seen tremendous yeshuos because they have given Chai Rotel and contributed to the simcha of Lag B’omer, so Rebbe Shimon has increased the simcha in their lives. Either through yeshuos for children, marriage, livelihood, or health, thousands of people have been helped through the promise of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai.

More than 430 years ago, the first Rashbi hachnassas orchim group was formed to prepare for the special day’s gigantic crowds. In 1998 Rabbi Yehoshua Biderman founded Yeshuos Rashbi to continue this tradition. This year Yeshuos Rashbi is preparing for the largest crowd ever. We have prepared for thousands of visitors over Shabbos and we are getting ready to host the single largest Seudah Hilulah for Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai on Motzei Shabbos. We are preparing over 15,000 portions; that is more than 1.5 tons of meat! 7500 bottles of soda! 55000 cups! 3000 chairs! 100 pots of Yerushalmi Kugel! and more. 

The Ta’amei HaMinhagim says that countless people that had difficulty having children, finding a shidduch, recovering from an illness or attaining a livelihood were successful only after they donated “chai rotel” for the  Lag Ba’omer celebrations in Meron. Rav Ovadia M’Bartenura also confirms the success of Chai Rotel.

We invite you to come and join us in the Simcha L’kavod Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai. If you are not able to come to Meron but would like to be there in spirit, you can still have a z’chus in this big simcha and Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai should repay you with simcha in your life!

To donate Chai Rotel call Yeshuos Rashbi 718-301-9808.


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