NYC Man Spends Life Savings Ahead Of May 21 Doomsday

A New York man spent his entire $140,000 life savings advertising his prediction that the world will end May 21, the New York Post reported Friday.

Robert Fitzpatrick, a 60-year-old Staten Island resident, said he spent at least that sum on 1,000 subway-car placards and ads on bus kiosks and subway cars.

They say, “Global Earthquake: The Greatest Ever! Judgment Day May 21, 2011.”
In a self-published book, “The Doomsday Code,” Fitzpatrick said the Bible offers “proof that cannot be dismissed.”

“Judgment Day will surprise people. We will not be ready for it,” Fitzpatrick said in an interview with the newspaper. “A giant earthquake will render the earth uninhabitable.”

If you want to set an alarm clock, the quake will happen just before 6:00pm local time, he said.

“God’s people will be resurrected. It is also the day that God stops saving anyone,” he said.

Fitzpatrick hopes that he is one of the chosen ones, but he could not be really certain.

“There’s just a little doubt,” he said. “Most churches teach that if you just believe, you will be saved. It is not our choice. It is God’s choice.”

(Source: Fox News)

10 Responses

  1. I heard his interview on radio last week and wonder if the news stations will also interview him on Sunday May 22nd.

  2. He probably meant the world will shine forth with the light that Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai brought down on this world just before his passing. Coincides with Lag Baomer.

  3. This same minister also predicted the end of the world for October 1994. A Christian gave me his two inch thick volume of proofs for that date.

    I wonder if he realizes that his new date is erev Lag B’Omer?

  4. Clarification: The minister who predicted the end of the world for October 1994, and now predicts the end of the world for May 21, 2011, is Harold Camping. (More specifically, he predicts the “rapture” will take place then; the actual end will be five months later on October 21, 2011 which is Simchat Torah in the diaspora.) He preaches over a large network of radio stations, including one in New York. Fitzpatrick appears to be one of his followers.

  5. Charliehall, you seem to be in line with these idiots. By aligning the Non jewish dates with the Jewish dtaes, as if something is going to happen. Bunch of morons

  6. “If you want to set an alarm clock, the quake will happen just before 6:00pm local time, he said.”

    So the earthquake will progress around the world one time zone at a time?

  7. I believe a solid halachic argument can be made against making fun of goyim who are both insane, and also engaged in avodah zarah. It is a bad midah to mock the mentally ill, and one should give publicity to avodah zarahs.

    Did YWN run this story by their Rav before posting it?

  8. Actually Git Meshige, Harold Camping bases this date on OUR calendar , 17th 0f Iyar, albeit with the wrong calculations.

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