House OKs Bill To Lift Offshore Drilling Ban

The House of Representatives voted to open more of the nation’s oceans for oil and gas exploration on Thursday by a vote of 243 to 179.

The “Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act,” requires the Interior Department to set a production goal of three million barrels of oil per day for its 2012-2017 leasing plan.

In order to reach that target, the legislation requires the department to hold lease sales off the coast of Southern California, in the Arctic Ocean, off Alaska’s Bristol Bay, and in the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to North Carolina.

Republicans say that the bill, along with two other drilling measures passed earlier this month, would create 1.2 million jobs and lower the price of oil. The Congressional Budget Office says that the offshore lease sales would generate $800 million in revenue over ten years.

The Obama administration released a statement opposing the bill Wednesday. The White House argued that the proposal would undermine the current leasing process and mandate drilling leases without input from the affected states.

(Source: Fox News)

6 Responses

  1. Who do these Republicans think they are, to force Obama to allow drilling for oil?

    Do the Republicans not realize that the number one threat to humanity is Global Warming?

    Enough with drilling for oil.

    I’d rather that everyone pay $20 a gallon of gas, if that would help stop Global Warming.

    We must get these Republicans out of office in 2012.

    Go Obama Go!!

  2. I was bored yesterday while waiting around and I stumbled across the debates on CSPAN. It was nice to see how the republicans as usual were looking out in the best interest of the country while the liberals were looking to stifle us more and more. Oh, when will people wake up and see the enemy begins with a L for Liberals?

  3. Mark Levin,

    You are just a regular Glenn Beck mouthpiece.

    All you care about is cheap gas.

    What about Global Warming? You don’t care about all the polar bears that are dying so that you can have cheap gas. You and Glenn Beck and the Republicans care more about yourselves than the polar bears. Shame on you!

  4. Proud is it better that we should rely on the arabs for oil? it is a natural resource Hashem put it there for a reason.

  5. I believe it has to go the Senate before it can go to the President. If that’s the case its a dead bill. Too many libs over there.
    As for Proud Liberal maybe we should abolish the practice of Schitiah in order to save the lives of animals.
    Yes that sarcasim too,

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