U.S. Needs Permission To Interview Bin Laden Wives

Pakistan will allow the United States to question or take into custody the apparent wives of Osama bin Laden only if their “country of origin has been asked for permission,” a senior Pakistani intelligence source told CNN on Monday.

One of bin Laden’s wives is from Yemen, the official said.

Pakistani officials have said bin Laden’s family members will be repatriated to their home countries after initial interrogations are completed.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Monday delivered his first address to the lower house of Parliament since the killing of bin Laden, rejecting accusations that his government had failed to adequately pursue the world’s most wanted terrorist.

While calling bin Laden’s death “justice done,” Gilani repeatedly assailed U.S. violation of Pakistani “sovereignty” in conducting the operation without Pakistan’s knowledge or involvement.

“Allegations of complicity or incompetence are absurd,” Gilani said, referring to suggestions by some U.S. officials that there may be some within the Pakistani government or military who were helping shield bin Laden or failing to look for him. “We emphatically reject such accusations. Speculative narratives in the public domain are meant to create despondency. We will not allow our detractors to succeed in offloading their own shortcomings and errors of omission and commission in a blame game that stigmatizes Pakistan.”


5 Responses

  1. I predict the Pakistanis will be proven to be guilty of helping hide OBL and of cover-up of their guilt.

  2. Their country of origin probably will want to put them in front of firing squad since Osama was actively trying to overthrow both the Saudi and Yemeni governments (not to mention the Pakistani government as well). The Pakistanis being so concerned about their welfare seem suspicious.

  3. Bin Ladens Wives as far as we are concerned have done nothing wrong and should get released. It is un lawful to hold them

  4. Let’s suspend all foreign aid to the counties of origin of the wives and to Pakistan if they refuse to cooperate.

    I assume that the wives knew little or nothing other than their houshold and childbearing duties.

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