From Here To 2012: Beyond Obama’s Approval Bounce From Bin Laden

The killing of Osama bin Laden ignited President Obama’s voter approval ratings, but that doesn’t guarantee his reelection in 2012.

Barring an unforeseen but high-profile foreign-policy failure, the elimination of America’s Public Enemy No. 1 will neutralize any Republican suggestion that the president is weak on national security.

But this only underscores the fact that 2012 will be all about the economy and jobs — and there, the president is deeply vulnerable.

The private sector added an impressive 268,000 jobs in April, but the jobless rate increased from 8.8 percent to 9 percent. No sitting president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has won reelection with unemployment as high as 8 percent.

Obama is likely to be asking voters for a second term with the joblessness rate at least that high, experts say.

Obama’s team is looking to avoid the fates of former Presidents Carter and George H.W. Bush, whose reelection bids were spoiled by recession. Bush’s defeat despite resounding victory in the first Gulf War suggests that battlefield triumphs might not allay the corrosive effect of a rotten economy.

(Read Full Article: The Hill)

7 Responses

  1. The economy has actually been growing slowly for almost two years. And given that President Obama is now +3 in the Lichtman keys, he would likely get re-elected even if the economy went back into recession.

  2. What will get obama re-elected in 2012, is not merits, which in my humble opinion he has NONE.

    What will get him re-elected is if the opposition can not come up with some one NEW, (not the losers we’ve seen and heard about until now) someone who has charisma as well as brains.

  3. No. 3: As of this moment, can you name any persons who would satisfy your prescription for a Republican victory for president in 2012?

    No. 2: What matters is how much credit the voters give the president, not how much credit the president gives himself.

  4. There is nothing ‘sane’ about calling REAL conservatives like Palin & Paladino “lunatics’ or calling the patriotic Tea Partiers who are the only ones who actually want to follow the Constitution such names.

    How dare people actually follow the Constitution right?
    What utter lunacy not to be wishy washy liberal idiots who
    only PRETEND to be conservatives.

    I would expect to see such vicious attacks by antisemites on a White Supremacist or other liberal website where they attack Palin as a “puppet of Israel” for having had an Israeli Flag pin in her office.
    I would not have expected to see such baseless mindless attacks on REAL conservatives on a “frum Jewish” blog.
    Live and learn.

  5. its in the hands of Klal yisroel if Obama will win presidency again. due to the message from HASHEM below.

    President Barack (Husaine) Obama is what we need for moshiach to come. You see before Moshiach comes the whole entire world is going to be against Israel & the jews. Now, you can’t just have President Bush & the United States go against Israel, you need a Muslim i.e. Bnei Yishmael to rule America & THEN go against Israel. The way Judaism works is that if your mother is jewish then you are jewish. Muslims are just the opposite, if your father is Muslim then you are a Muslim & that is what Barack Obama is. (a Muslim from his fathers side) Now with America under Muslim/Bnei Yishmael rulership Moshiach can come.

    now it depends how fast klal yisroel does Teshuva. If we start now, then with Hashem’s help Mashiach will come before elections IY”H. Otherwise C”V we wil need to continue remaining in Golus in the hands of a Muslim until we do teshuva & Hashem turns Obama & the U.S.A. against Israel.

    note: noone going for president 2012 is a muslim besides obama. So it can only be him remaining UNLESS TESHUVA STARTS ASAP

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