NYC Smokers’ Warning: Three Weeks Left To Puff In Parks

Smokers, it’s time to take your last puff in a New York City park or on one of the borough’s beaches.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration has begun to post warning signs that the expanded smoking ban — covering parks, beaches, marinas and pedestrian plazas — will take effect on May 23. The City Council approved the measure, and the mayor signed into law earlier this year.

The city’s Parks & Recreation Department has already posted more than 3,500 temporary warning signs — and more are on the way. The department has also distributed literature that explains the law and outlines resources to help people stop smoking at park facilities, such as the city’s recreation and nature centers.

The signage that actually restricts smoking at these new locales will be posted the week of May 23rd.

(Source: WSJ)

One Response

  1. Jefferson said that if we were all G-d fearing people we would not need any man-made laws. Murder is an easy one of course but all that we know about smoking today no law should be required to “convince” anyone of the danger. In fact, under international law they can no longer offer someone a “last” cigarette at the firing squad as it is harmful and cruel punishment.

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