Pelosi Thanks President Bush In Phone Call For His Role In bin Laden’s Destruction

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said she called former President George W. Bush on Tuesday to congratulate him on the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Following a classified briefing on the operation to take down bin Laden, Pelosi told reporters that she called the former president earlier in the day to “congratulate him and thank him for the leadership role he had played in this quest over the years.”

Pelosi was Speaker of the House for two years while Bush was in the White House.

Pelosi said she thought Bush appreciated the call.

“I wanted him to know the appreciation that many of us have in a bipartisan way … that his role was important,” she said.

The top-ranking House Democrat said that she also telephoned former President Bill Clinton to voice appreciation.

Pelosi has been unstinting in her praise of President Obama for his leadership in getting bin Laden.

(Source: The Hill)

10 Responses

  1. I would guess that Former Speaker Pelosi’s exact words to Former President Bush were: “Thanks for nothing.”

  2. Nfgo3,

    Why would you say that?

    Our leaders are joining in acknowledging that we are all on the same side; we are all Americans first. Why must there be so much negativity?

  3. Why would she thank clinton??! What did he do? The only thing he did was let bin laden live when he had a few chance to kill him!

  4. #4 Therefore her thank you call to Bush is equally meaningless and empty, while in reality #2 is absolutely correct. “compassionate” Obama would never have gotten this far without Bush’s ground work.

  5. KFB- You answered your own question- Clinton had a tremendous role in sunday’s killing of Bin laden- had he killed him back in the day , we never could have killed him this past Sunday. Thanks, Bill.

  6. Correct. Thanks to Bill Clinton for TWICE refusing having Osama bait Laden handed to you on a silver platter! Thanks to Bill Clinton for not going after him when he had the chance and bombing some sand dunes in the dessert!

  7. Bush made it America’s mission
    To get BL and Obama’s conceit prevented him from acknowledging that all he did was follow Bush’s lead. I didn’t listen to his PR speech but I don’t think he mentioned Bush when it was all about Bush.

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