White House Considering Releasing Corpse Pics Today

A top source tells ABC News that President Obama and White House officials are discussing the possibility of releasing a photograph of Osama bin Laden’s corpse today.

The photograph, according to sources who have seen it, is bloody and gruesome, with a bullet wound to his head above his left eye. There are concerns its release could be inflammatory, though officials also say it’s important to put to rest any skepticism about the death of this nation’s public enemy number one.

The precision kill shot was delivered by a member of Navy’s elite SEAL Team Six during a pre-dawn raid Monday on bin Laden’s hideout in Pakistan.

(Source: ABC News / AP)

14 Responses

  1. These pictures should be shown because they just might serve as a deterrent to those who might otherwise see this rosho as a hero and want to walk in his ways of evil and darkness. In fact, they should be posted at every street corner in Afghanistan, Gaza, Pakistan, London, Paris and Detroit.

  2. #3 – Even with a bullet hole in it?

    #2 – Just kidding about the frame – just want to make a few dozen copies to take with me next time I go to the range, to use as targets. I wanna see if I can hit the hole the Navy SEAL already made!

  3. AinOhdMilvado – you appear so macho old boy – Have you ever been in the service? Are you law enforcement range qualified? If neither, can the bravado

  4. YonasonW…

    Why do you seem to assume that I haven’t been in the military? – and, -where was I displaying any “bravado”?

  5. Following the intense heat that prevails today throughout the country, late morning I headed to the beach to enjoy the waves of the sea, I hoped to get a bit of fresh air, freshen up a bit from the pressure of work … But in the end I went home with the trauma i will suffer from for the rest of my life!

    When I went a little out into the sea I felt a huge lump, suddenly something bumped into me, at first I thought that this is some plastic thing or something similar, but when I put my hand into the water trying to get it, this atrocity was discovered in front of me!

    Inside the bag was a Brown man’s body with a black beard – fresh with wounds in his head, a sign of shots fired at him, at once I realized that this face is very familiar to me, I started screaming like i ever screamed! All the people on the beach began to run and I fled with them, screaming and yelling terrible screams, I came to my house in a mad panic, my wife got scared and started screaming at me (she would not dream for a moment that only a few minutes ago I took the corpse of Bin Laden in my hands), only then I realized I still wearing a bathing suit.

    Americans are not normal! They could not burn or grind him like they did to Eichmann???
    Why throw him whole in the sea???
    and now What do I do with my nightmares?

  6. No. 7: I believe you have not been in the military because you have ducked No. 6’s question. But I will take you at your word (to paraphrase the former birther Congresswoman Michelle Bachman), if and when you give a direct and weasel-free answer, and not expect you to post a copy of your enlistment, commission or discharge papers.

  7. nfgo3 and Yonasan…

    Not that it has any relevance to my comments here, but yes, I have been in the military, and yes (though you didn’t ask) I am a licensed gun owner in New York and do go shooting on a regular basis to keep my skills up.

    Perhaps now YOU can tell ME (nfgo3) where you get your strange hashkafos from, what your agenda is, and why you are so obnoxious to everyone (not just me) who comments on YWN?

  8. No. 12: If you served in the US or Israeli military, thank you for your service.

    Many of my comments are sharp-tounged, but they are generally not obnoxious, until I get an obnoxious response. I will try to be less obnoxious, even when I get obnoxious responses.

    I don’t have an agenda, but I do have opinions and a point of view. If my opinions and point of view are not clear from my posts, then perhaps I am not as articulae as I think I am.

    If you tell me what, exactly, is strange about my hashkafos, perhaps I can answer your question about it.

  9. AinOhdMilvado & Hocker411 – I work for a law enforcement agency; I am in a family in which 4 people served in the service over 3 generations; I lost friends in Vietnam and Yom Kippur; I have a friend who lost a son in Lebanon 30 years ago; My experiences leave me with little patience for the glorification of guns, for officers into carrying off duty firearms, for “2nd Amendment” gun nuts, or for Torah Yidden who beat their breasts like John Wayne.

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