Trump’s Primary Voting Record Spotty, Records Show

NY1 Reports:

Records from the City Board of Elections show that prospective presidential candidate Donald Trump did not vote in primary elections for a span of 21 years.

Trump, the real estate developer and reality show entertainer, is entertaining a campaign for president. But the registered Republican would first need to get GOP voters to nominate him in a primary – a process in which official records show Trump repeatedly failed to participate for a two-decade period.

Trump voted in the 1989 primary for mayor when Rudolph Giuliani beat business magnate Ronald Lauder, but according to City Board of Elections documents, Trump failed to show up at the primaries after that for 21 years.

Records show that Trump missed several presidential primaries, including 1988 when George Bush was nominated and Bob Dole in 1996.

Trump became a Democrat in 2001, and documents show he ignored that party’s primaries as well, missing the 2001 and 2005 primaries for mayor. In 2002, not only did Trump miss the Democratic primaries for statewide offices, but records show he also skipped the general election.

And in 2008 there’s no evidence Trump voted in the presidential primary between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama even though he voiced support for Obama after Clinton took New York State.

“I think (Barack Obama) has a chance to to go down as a great president,” Trump told NY1 in 2008. “Now if he’s not, if he’s not a great president then this country is in trouble.”

Trump told NY1 over the phone on Friday, “I voted in every general election … You’re going to pay a big price because you’re wrong … I have records that I voted and so does the Board of Elections … I signed in at every election.”

Trump did not provide evidence when asked. He also did not respond specifically to questions about his spotty primary voting record.

(Source: NY1)

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