Bloomberg Wants Fingerprints On Social Security Cards

Mayor Bloomberg says he’s in favor of putting people’s fingerprints on Social Security cards.

Critics say such a system would raise cost and privacy concerns, but the mayor says this would make it easier for employers to judge whether someone has legal permission to work in the United States.

Bloomberg says it would reduce the supply of work to illegal immigrants, leading fewer to enter the country.

“If your social security card had your fingerprint on it for example, the companies could just run it through a computer, and if you’re undocumented, illegal, they just don’t give you a job,” Bloomberg said. “And you’re not going to come here if you can’t get a job.”

Bloomberg was one of several leaders invited to the White House earlier this week to discuss immigration reform with President Obama.

The mayor supports bringing more immigrant workers and entrepreneurs into the country.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. And what happens when the illegals get forged SS cards with their fingerprints on it?

    I don’t see how this will help.

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