Obama Dismisses ‘Birthers,’ Bad Polls

For President Obama, critics who question his U.S. citizenship are becoming a joke.

Last night in Los Angeles, Obama spoke with donors about the early days of his 2008 campaign, back when “the prospect of electing a Barack Hussein Obama to the Oval Office was slim.”

“None of you asked for my birth certificate,” Obama said. “It was a complete leap of faith.”

During last night’s fundraiser at the Tavern Restaurant in L.A., Obama also said he is unconcerned about poll numbers that seem to be slipping.

“I’m confident, because I travel around the country, and my poll numbers go up and down depending on the latest crisis, ” Obama said. “And right now, gas prices are weighing heavily on people. But when I talk to ordinary folks, they are not always paying attention.”

“Just remember the campaign in 2008,” Obama said. “It wasn’t about big crowds and nice posters. And it wasn’t even about me. It was about commitments we made to each other as Americans, about who we are and what we care about. And those commitments have not ended.”


9 Responses

  1. I used to think the Birth Certificate issue was a joke. But the more that he tries to defend it, without just showing it, makes me really think that there isn’t one.

  2. The “birthers” are the best thing that could happen to Obama (even better that Monica was for Bill). Obama’s policies aren’t working out all that well (the US is considered in danger of defaulting on its obligations, our foreign and environmental policies looks befuddled, and his only big accomplishments are in gay rights which aren’t very popular except with his “base”). Anything that diverts public opinion for real issues helps him. If American decided the next election based on whether he is really an American citizen, Obama will get an undeserved second term, perhaps even with a Democratic Congress.

  3. 4.

    Why call them “birthers?”

    You should call them TRUTHERS because they want the TRUTH!!

    As far as the rest of your point, perhaps that is why the regime has Trump making noise. Clearly most people are hardly aware that he hardly supports republicans financially.

    Thank God aside for the drones, he really doesn’t have that many chasidim out there.

  4. #6- easily deluded nutcases would be a better word

    Not only is their overwhelming evidence he was born in Hawaii, and absolutely no evidence that his teenage mother was ever outside the US anytime near his birth – but under the constitution one is is born abroad to an American mother is still “natural” born (as opposed to “naturalized”)- the constitution would have said “native” born if it wanted the person to be born in the US.

    Trump is a pro-Wall Street, liberal, big business type (think of Nelson Rockefeller, with bad taste and no principles).

    The issue is the economy. Period.

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