Obama Unplugged, Tells Republicans: ‘You Think We’re Stupid?’

USA Today reports:

Thinking reporters were out of the room, President Obama opened up Thursday night about the recent budget talks with Republicans and what he called their efforts to sneak in attacks on Planned Parenthood and his health care bill.

“I said (to Republicans), ‘you want to repeal health care? Go at it,'” Obama told backers in a private meeting with an open microphone. “‘We’ll have that debate. You’re not going to be able to do that by nickel-and-diming me in the budget.'”

He said he added: “‘You think we’re stupid?'”

Obama took questions from political donors after a press pool had been dismissed. But a microphone remained on, and Mark Knoller of CBS News took notes.

In what amounted to his most extended remarks on talks with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and others, Obama said he protested GOP efforts to add items to the budget bill under discussion.

That included efforts to cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

“Put it in a separate bill,” Obama said he told Boehner and his staff. “We’ll call it up. And if you think you can overturn my veto, try it. But don’t try to sneak this through.”

Obama also had some choice words for Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who chairs the House Budget Committee:

“When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure, he’s just being America’s accountant … This is the same guy that voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill — but wasn’t paid for … So it’s not on the level.”

(Source: USA Today)

19 Responses

  1. republicans seem to have Obama on the run and defense, guess the walloping he too in the last election is starting to sting a little more especially since his chance of re-election is slowly fading away..
    As a side mark the republicans did themselves injustice by blatantly lying about the facts of whats planned parent hood actually does, while yes it does perform abortion the percentage of budget that goes for this procedure is about 10% not 90% as was stated. Both sides need to stick to the facts and skip the B…s.. and get to work on saving this once great country.

  2. sorry mr. Obama i understand the truth hurts! Fact is u are stupid and dont cry baby your not the only one, there are much more stupid liberials out there!

  3. 2. As a ‘frum’ person with presumably Torahdika hashkofos, don’t you have a serious issue with ANY Federal monies going to pay for ANY baby killing? If you don’t, you should!

    There is no reason the feds have to support ‘Planned’ Parenthood in ANY way! Let women go to their doctors the way it should be.

  4. Obama is just the greatest president we have ever had in this country.

    He waited for the kids to offer up plans and then said ” make way for the grownups” and delivered a plan that is on the money.

  5. to number 6, the issue is not abortion, where in certain cases it is even permissible by Torah Law, (exact cases etc if for another discussion), the issue is the truth one should not lie to achieve there respective goals.
    The Gemara in Bava Metzia clearly spells out when it is appropriate to lie and the case the senator was using is definitely not one of them.

  6. If that’s all they got from the hidden mic that’s pretty good. He made actual policy points. Actually, speaks well of him. I may disagree with him, but he makes legitimate points.

  7. 7. You must still be drunk from purim!!!

    Obama doesn’t have his own ideas. “His” healthcare was really written by Reid, Pelosi, & some far left organization. His budget ideas which are continuing to take us into the hole, are NOT his ideas either.

    So what were you referring to? What makes him the “best” president? Maybe he is #1, when you start from the bottom!!

  8. Mark Levin and the rest of ou GOP marionettes don’t address the substance of the Presidenrt’s comment…“When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure, he’s just being America’s accountant … This is the same guy that voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill — but wasn’t paid for … So it’s not on the level”…because you have no substance.

    Neither Ryan nor any of you uttered a peep when His Holiness George Dubya ran up the biggest deficit in our history, with his off-budget military adventures…and all of you think it’s apikorsis to talk about the revenue side of deficit reduction…heaven forfend the most wealthy might have their Bush tax cuts run out. Now all of a sudden your new Torah is deficit reduction. Yours are not principled objections…it’s partisan nonsense.

    You ARE content with reducing expenditures for the least resourced among us…as long as it doesn’t affect you – and that’s assuming you even think that much. If Obama or a Democrat proposed a frum Yiddishe charity you’d proibably be running off at the mouth about it being liberal Obama horrible.

  9. Torahtotty,

    Perhaps its muttar when the child is a rodef – and goofballs like us on this site CANNOT pasken on this matter so I won’t go into it but ‘planned’ parenthood does it as standard operating procedure.

    I am happy to see you are paskening that the senator lied. That being said do you hold up your socialist liberal congressional members and president to that same standard? If you do, they are in a heap of manure!

  10. 13,

    You are suffering from lots of things all related to your socialism so I will try and help you here:

    As far as money spend by W, yes, he was NOT a fiscal conservative and was trying to appease the libs as opposed to fighting them. HOWEVER the deficit he ran up was NOTHING compared to the QUADRUPLING of the deficit done by your almighty Obama! How can you compare a few billions to MANY MANY TRILLION!!!! Do you not have any math skills????? You need to get off the Bush thing because your Barack Hussein Obama mmmm mmmm mmmmm has done more damage in the last 2 years to deficit than ALL Presidents before him COMBINED!

    You also have a typical liberal stance on OUR money which is you think all money belongs to the govt even though WE earned it. YOU ARE INCORRECT!! If I make money, it is MY money! Tax cuts dont have to be “paid for” in any way. I have an idea, STOP YOUR SPENDING!! Enough spending on your socialist programs that dont work and have never worked! All the liberal causes, have remained causes! What has improved for all your causes, the War on Poverty, the children you are so concerned about? NOTHING!!

    Taxes may be a necessary evil but the premise of all earnings belonging to Govt and if they are nice they will give us about 40-50% for our use, that is utterly nonsense. If you think that, please go to any Commie Socialist country but get out of mine! America wasnt built on that until socialists – you call yourselves “Progressive” despite lack of progress, – got involved in the early 1900s. Thank goodness there were people to fight back against you and evil schemes!

    And, yes, Obama ain’t the brightest bulb in the box because he thinks poor people hire. Has anyone been hired by a poor person?? NO!! But he wants to tax people and families making over 250k annual because that’s his threshold. He said he had enough money? Well how about starting by not taking that 400k salary or the 200k pension as president in addition to what you are stealing from us as being a short term senator.

  11. “don’t you have a serious issue with ANY Federal monies going to pay for ANY baby killing?”

    No. Abortion is mutar under many circumstances according to many gedolim. And you know that.

  12. 13.

    One more thing. The Congress controlls the purse strings so if you bothered looking you will clearly see that Bush’s higher deficits were after Pelosi/Reid took over.

    Oh how we hearken back to the days of 5% unemployment & gas prices 1/3 what they are now!!

  13. I have read the above article reporting on remarks that Obama thought he was making in private. All the name-calling, ridicule, contempt, and complete absence of reason is so unpresidential, so foolish … but since all that name-calling, ridicule, contempt, and absence of reason comes from posters 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 14, I am not surprised.

  14. #12 your really non-partisan, lol would love to see you criticize Obama for anything. you criticize Bush for raising the deficit how about Obama? I am willing to criticize both
    I am not a republican but I do not like Obama because he has endangered the lives of 6 million jews in Eretz Yisroel. Its funny in Syria the administration is scared the muslim brotherhood will take over, but in Egypt where the muslim brotherhood won 20% of the vote in 05 when they were banned and members arrested, there was no fear of this. Interesting…..

    He took out Iran’s biggest enemy in the ME (Egypt), he is an utter idiot, and in fairness so did Mccain!

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