Obama Takes On Birthers, Donald Trump: I Was Born In Hawaii, And I Don’t Have Horns

President Obama has a message for Republicans who embrace the birther movement: You’re only hurting yourselves with this nonsense.

Obama told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos that he was born in Hawaii and “doesn’t have horns,” stressing that birthers just makes the GOP look bad in the long run.

“There’s been an effort to go at me in a way that is politically expedient in the short term for Republicans but creates I think a problem for them when they want to actually run in the general election, where most people feel pretty confident the President was born where he says he was, in Hawaii,” Obama said.

The president added, “He doesn’t have horns. … We’re not really worried about conspiracy theories or birth certificates.”

The commander-in-chief made the comments in response to a question about aspiring presidential celeb candidate Donald Trump. The billionaire businessman, who’s at the head of the revived birther chorus, has seen a spike in recent polls.

Some right-wing activists have long insisted that Obama is ineligible to serve as President, claiming he wasn’t born in the U.S. Some argue he was born in Kenya and others contend it was the United Kingdom or Indonesia.

Trump even said he’s sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to get answers, despite Obama’s staff releasing a “certification of live birth” in 2008 and authorities in the Aloha State confirming he was born there.

Obama said Americans have greater concerns – like the growing economy, reigning in the budget and preparing for the future of the country’s children.

“My suspicion is that anybody who is not addressing those questions … is going to be in trouble,” Obama added. “I think they may get a quick pop in the news. They may get a lot of attention. But ultimately, the American people understand this is a serious, sober time.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

10 Responses

  1. “Obama told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos that he was born in Hawaii and “doesn’t have horns,”

    I have very good news for you Presdent Obama, having horns would not make you ineligible to be President.

  2. Anyone who is arguing about this non-issue is avoid the real issues, such as the economy and the budget deficit.
    No one disputes who is mother is (old stock “wasp”), and it doesn’t much difference since the constitution states “natural born” (as of birth, and since Mom was a citizen, he’ld be a natural born citizen even if born on the moon). It doesn’t say “native” born, which would exclude people like John McCain who was born overseas.

    Any politicians who worries about this nonsense will suffer in the long run since the real issue is whether we’ll have an economic collapse, perhaps as bad as Germany in the early 1920s.

  3. wow, he doesn’t have horns!?! What a stupid thing to say.

    Mr Present, if you don’t show your BC like you are supposed to, it means you are hiding something & as our leader in this country, we want to know what it is.

    This isn’t the #1 issue with you, its all part of the bigger picture with you. Its part of the fact that you were installed into your position by the press.

    We have serious issues with your country killing policies. Everything else is just gravy.

  4. i dont know if he was born in Hawaii or not, but there is 3 suspicious things.
    1. what is his problem with showing his real birth certificate? you have to show it for some jobs so its not too far to ask him to show it? he shows it the controversy dies out
    2. why is he commenting about it?? if he wouldnt defend himself like this and make comments it would just die down. that is what someone who has nothing to hide will do.
    3. his aides must have spent millions just to hide his birth certificate. isnt that strange???
    i dont know if he was born in america or not, but i wouldnt be surprised either way

  5. #6,

    1. He showed his real birth certificate. It looks a lot like mine, except his has more information on it than does mine.

    2. He hasn’t said much on it at all and it hasn’t died down.

    3. He has not spent millions to hide anything. That is yet another right wing lie.

  6. A PublicPolicyPolling survey shows that Trump is now the leading Republican candidate. Things are looking good for a landslide Obama re-election.

  7. To no. 6: Please consider changing your screen name? You are embarrassing the rocket scientists and warping the meaning of a popular cliche.

    No. 3: From your screen name, I would infer that you do have horns.

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