Pinchos Ben Sarah Esther Transported From Lakewood Back To Eretz Yisroel

Pinchos Ben Sarah Esther, the Meshulach from Eretz Yisroel who was critically injured in Lakewood on Purim after being struck by a car, has returned to Eretz Yisroel on Tuesday afternoon. R’ Pinchos, who remains in stable but critical condition, was transported to Eretz Yisroel where he can continue receiving care while near his family.

Several members of Lakewood Hatzolah were joined by other NY Hatzolah members at Newark airport, where they loaded R’ Pinchos on to the plane, with his wife at his side.

The transport was arranged by Bikur Cholim of Lakewood, Lakewood Hatzolah, R’ Michoel Rottenberg and Shrage Pinter, who have been involved with the Meshulach since his incident, seeing that he is being cared for by the top Doctors and with the best possible treatment.

A campaign was launched a few weeks ago to raise funds for R’ Pinchos. Click HERE for more info.

(Source: TLS)

3 Responses

  1. I met Reb Pinchus for the first time on the plane on Taanis Ester when he was on his way to N.Y. From E.Y. And I was on the way back from a visit in E.Y. I had a geshmake shmues with him in which he told me that he just married off his 4th child and the night before he finished Sheva Brochos and the next day Taanis Ester he his on his way to America to collect some money to cover his big expenses. I felt so bad for him, especially after he told me that he is heading to lakewood and he has “no family or friends” there which he knows. May hashem help that he should have a Refuah Sheleima. And anyone who will help him financially will for sure be Mekayem giving Tzedaka for a “Ani Hagun” (a Chushiva Poor person). Tizku LeMitzvos!!!

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