Israeli Doctors Renew Strike

Despite ongoing talks between the Ministry of Finance and the Israel Medical Association, the doctors renewed their strike in public hospitals this morning, “IDF Radio” (Galei Zahal) reports. Hospitals are working on a Shabbos footing, with only cancer treatment continuing as usual. Talks between the sides will resume this afternoon but there are still large differences between the doctors and the Ministry of Finance, and there are no signs of a breakthrough that will end the disruptions.

The situation is expected to be especially dire at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, where 2,000 nurses will call a protest meeting following a serious assault against one of the nurses earlier this week.

Patients themselves are raising their voices in protest against the medical crisis. Dozens of medical NGOs including The Association for the War Against Cancer and the Association for Patients’ Rights sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling on him to intervene in the dispute. “We have become a bargaining chip,” one of the organizations wrote.

The Ministry of Finance is accusing the Israel Medical Association of causing unnecessary harm to patients. One senior official said, “We are seriously prepared to handle the problem of public medicine but until the illogical demand for a 50% pay hike for all doctors is removed negotiations won’t make any progress.”

(Source: Globes)

One Response

  1. The Doctors are totally right on this. There is a disaster on the scale of the Carmel fires waiting to happen in the health services. There is a major shortage of doctors, nurses and hospital beds in Israel. Not a shortage but a MAJOR shortage. It took the Carmel tragedy to force the Government to deal with Israel’s antiquated and criminally neglected firefighting system to bring about change. What will it take to upgrade and properly staff Israel’s medical system?

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

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