PHOTOS: FM Avigdor Lieberman Visits Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky

[PHOTO LINK BELOW] Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman visited Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, on Monday. According to Kikar, the following is a brief translation of the short meeting:

RCK: Shalom Aleichem

AL: Shalom Kavod HaRav, I wanted to ask for a Bracha for the upcoming Yom Tov from the Rav, .

At this point, one of the grandchildren in the home told Rav Chaim, that Lieberman has been very involved recently in trying to help Jews who are in prison, across the world.

RCK: Hashem should help you that you should have Hatzlacha – Pidyon Shevuyim is a big Zechus.

AL: The Rov should know, that these days are very dangerous for “Am Yisroel”….

RCK: B’chol Dor vador Omdim Aleinu Lichaloseinu, VHKBH Mazileinu Miyadam. Hashem should watch over us.

AL: The Rov should have a Chag Sameach.

Rav Chaim nodded his head in the affirmative, and returned to learning.

It should be noted that the Gadol Hador has reduced the amount of time each day for people to come seek Brachos and present Halacha questions. The reason for this is that he makes a Siyum on Shas every Erev Pesach, and needs the extra hours to finish in time.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. I think its disgusting. This guy will be eating chometz next week on Pesach. Who let him in to R’ Chaim. R’ Chaim obviously doesnt know that this sheigetz is the one who is trying to legalise pork and everything else in israel. What a chutzpah!

  2. Sam123

    You have no idea what Rav Chaim does or doesn’t know but your opinion doesn’t change the fact that a Gadol has open doors for all and anyone can be chozer betshuva. With a positive attitude we can be mekarev out wayward brethren.

  3. Lieberman doesn’t actually think he is fooling anyone. It is indeed a good sign that he came to the Rav for a bracha. Better than not to come at all. I am amazed that this was the extent of the conversation. And if he is osek in Pidyon Shevuyim he is indeed doing a mitzvah that we are not.

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