Obama Taking A Beating In Polls…From Liberals

Liberals are no longer seeing “change we can believe in.”

Just 37 percent of self-described lefties say in the latest Rasmussen poll that they still strongly approve of President Obama’s performance.

That’s way down from 63 percent a year ago, 57 percent earlier this year — and 52 percent just a week go.

And the 19 percent who said they “strongly approved” equaled not only the lowest percentage of the 2-year-old presidency but also less than half of the 39 percent who said they “strongly disapproved.”

Pollster Scott Rasmussen blamed the stunning drop in support on Obama’s liberal base, noting that a Gallup Poll just last week revealed a dip in his support among blacks and Latinos, each a key Democratic Party voting bloc.

Meanwhile, 57 percent of all voters described the president as more liberal than they are.

“Some liberal commentators have expressed disappointment with the president over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, the military action in Libya and, most recently, the budget deal to avert a partial shutdown of the federal government,” Rasmussen said.

Overall, 44 percent of voters said they at least “somewhat approved” of Obama’s performance, while 55 percent said they “somewhat disapproved.”

(Source: NY Post)

9 Responses

  1. ….so now maybe some of you will learn a little more, think a little harder, and write a little less impulsively, before you call anyone a “liberal” who doesn’t cow tow to a Rush Limbaugh ideology.

  2. Well, it seems like Charlie Hall is still on board with the President, nfgo3 seems somewhat lukewarm as of late (going into sarcastic mode and analyzing Trump’s hair instead)and Midwest is in hibernation…

  3. I’m sure all liberal jews still support him. How sad and sick they are. This man Oblabla is a radical leftist and people like charlie hall are die hard liberals which is full of sheker.

  4. YonasonW:

    One need not kowtow (get your spelling right, O Educated One) to Rush Limbaugh in order to be a conservative. I myself do not enjoy, for one thing, his demagoguery. But before you get cynical, realize that Obama is no centrist. The aforementioned poll only shows that the American liberal establishment has gone radically left-wing.

  5. I agree with #5 I never listen to Rush and am not into his propaganda, I try to think for myself. And even if liberals are not happy with Obama, it does not mean he is not a liberal. Remember Obama has to deal with re-election and now with a GOP house. He could agree with Michael Moore on 95% of issues, but you could never get 95% of what Moore wants passed in congress nor re-elected on his ideas.

  6. I read the DailyKos and Huffington Post far more than I listened to Rush Limbaugh in my life; yet, many liberals will tell you that I’m a conservative. And I am. I would like to think of myself as a moderate, but the way things are going in this country and the direction liberals are taking makes us, centrists, look like arch-conservatives. I mean, this poll just proves the point. Government is bigger than ever, bureaucracy is mightier than under LBJ and whopping expenditures are beginning to take a toll on this great nation; yet, the liberals still remain unsatisfied. President Obama is the most liberal President ever; yet, he still doesn’t meet their criteria. I am, therefore, a conservative.

  7. I’m actually pretty moderate, but compared to the Tea Partiers who want to repeal most of the accomplishments of the twentieth century, I’m a far leftie!

    Note that the Rasmussen poll has been shown to be biased towards the Republicans. Other polls (from RealClearPolitics):

    Gallup 46f 46u
    CNN 48f 50u
    Fox 49f 47u
    NBC 49f 45u

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