Parnassa Raffle Is Doing It Again!

Once again, Parnassa raffle will be choosing one lucky winner to receive $1250 every week for the next two years, a grand total of $130,000! There will also be another 10 winners of $500 each (for all those who purchased 2 tickets or more).

Preparations are underway for the grand drawing that will take place tonight, Thursday April 7th. Starting at 10 PM, we will be hosting a live Parnassa Teleseminar. Among the many guests who will be offering their expertise at the teleseminar, we will be featuring Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski MD. After the teleseminar, the drawing of the Parnassa Raffle will take place. You can join us at the live drawing which will be held in the Bobover Shul on 49th St and 14th Ave. The phone number to call to listen the teleseminar and drawing is

Remember! There is still time to get into the mega Parnassa Raffle. If you did not enter yet, you can do so by calling 718-705-9090 or visit us online at

And like before, the price of a ticket is only $36. Yes, for only $36 you can win $130,000. Such an opportunity does not come every day!

Time is running out! Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity. It’s a win – win situation. Support Mosdos Bobov in Eretz Yisroel and win $130,000.


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