Obama Gets Invitation To Israel

The push is on for President Barack Obama to return to the Middle East. This time to Israel.

Mr. Obama met Tuesday at the White House with Israeli President Shimon Peres, and was presented with an invitation to visit the Jewish state in the coming months, according to Israeli officials. Many Israeli public commentators have clamored for the U.S. president to make the trip, arguing he’s already visited key Middle East capitals, such as Cairo and Istanbul.

Israel’s public has proven skeptical of Mr.  Obama, due to his highly public spats with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the issue of Jewish construction in disputed territories. President Peres is believed to have a more amicable relationship with Mr. Obama and is paving the way for a spring visit by Israel’s prime minister.

One potential target date for an Obama visit to Israel is late June.  Mr. Peres annually holds his Israeli Presidential Conference that month in which a number of world leaders normally attend.


2 Responses

  1. Commenter No. 1: First of all, who’s cowering? Second of all, Mr. Obama is the president of the United States, Israel’s strongest and best ally and the key supporter of Israel in the world. Though no Israeli government is “cowering” before Mr. Obama or the US, it behooves the Israeli government to meet with Israel’s stongest ally, and I am glad the current Israeli government apparently plans to do so.

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