More Manhattan Money For Obama

President Barack Obama heads back to New York City to raise cash on April 27, the second time in four weeks that he will come to the major money hub as he ramps up his reelection effort.

Details are still being sorted out, but one source said it’s expected to be a “multi-tiered” event, meaning several different levels of donations. It wasn’t immediately clear whether the money will benefit both the Democratic National Committee and the president’s newly-launched reelection committee.

But it’s the first real event the president will be headlining since he officially kicked off his campaign Monday, in a city where he had stark competition by way of hometown candidate Hillary Clinton in terms of fundraising in the 2008 primary.

His campaign manager, Jim Messina, recently went on a fundraising “listening tour” of sorts in several cities, reconnecting with donors ahead of the campaign.

(Source: Politico)

One Response

  1. Politicians of all stripes come to Manhattan to raise money for the same reason that Willie Sutton robbed banks – because that’s where the money is.

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