Trump: I Would Spend ‘A Lot’ On ’12 Bid

Donald Trump, the flamboyant media mogul whose fortune is valued at $2.7 billion by Forbes magazine, tells NBC New York he is prepared to “spend a lot” on a potential presidential bid.

Trump said in an interview Monday that he could pour a hefty amount of cash into a Republican campaign for the White House.

“I have a lot and I would spend a lot if I needed to do that,” he said.

Trump, 64, would not say whether he would self-finance or raise money for a campaign.

The reality television star has said for months he is considering a bid for the Republican nomination in 2012, and hints that he will announce his decision in June — which happens to be when his latest “Celebrity Apprentice” season concludes.

Trump also took the opportunity Monday to criticize President Barack Obama’s timing for his launch of a re-election campaign Monday.

“I think the timing wasn’t so good, when you’re in the middle of a budget crisis and then you’re announcing you’re going to be running,” Trump said. “So I think he could’ve waited for a better time.”

(Source: NBC New York)

8 Responses

  1. Maybe not Trump but we certainly need someone in the WH that knows how to make money. No reason why US always has to lose money.

  2. Trump? As president? What kind of blasphemy is this??

    He’ll be just as bad as Obama, if not worst! Maybe he should take a look at his history of bankruptcys, and try to budget his own finances, before managing others!

  3. It is not news when Donald Trump is prepared to “spend a lot.” He probably “spends a lot” when he buys his groceries, too.

  4. I don’t get why anyone would want to become president, you always get blamed by somebody, also Air Force One gets boring after a while.

  5. He is one of the only people on earth more arrogant than Obumbler. Maybe that’s a qualifying criterion for president these days…

  6. While early in his career he invested in a lot of residential developments that benefited a lot of people, his most prominent investments today are beauty pageants and casinos. Can someone explain why frum people would think this makes him worthy to be President?

  7. No. 7: I cannot answer your question, but a lot of non-frum Jews, and a lot of gentiles, have told me that “Trump has a lot of money, so he must know something.” Do you think frum Jews are immune from this kind of rasoning?

    By the way, I think Trump’s most prominent investment today is in promoting himself and that thing on his head.

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