Three Weeks Later: Dog Drifting Atop Roof Rescued Off Japan Coast

It appears almost too good to be true, but this little dog has been found alive and well adrift at sea, an astonishing three weeks after the tsunami that devastated Japan. Members of the Japan Coast Guard came across the dog on Friday as they were conducting an aerial search of the area. Against all the odds, the dog appears to have survived by living in a partially submerged house that had been swept out to sea.

Local television showed showed pictures of the dog scampering around the roof of the house before it disappeared inside through a hole in the roof. Rescuers had hoped to find more tsunami survivors living inside the house but after tearing the roof open, it was found to be empty apart from the dog. Despite its three weeks at sea, the medium-sized brown dog seemed to be in reasonably good condition considering its ordeal.

The discovery of the dog is a rare glimmer of hope in Japan where thousands of people are believed to have perished in the disaster. The nation is now gripped by the ongoing nuclear threat posed by the unstable Fukushima plant as workers continue to battle to restore vital cooling systems damaged by the quake.


(Source: Daily Mail UK)

4 Responses

  1. More than 10,000 people died and they are happy about finding a dog?

    I guess its because they are shocked that the Japanese didn’t eat it!

  2. Sometimes people can find hope in the strangest things when they are feeling down. Boruch Hashem you are not in a matzav to realize the suffering of the Japanese. Your comment is not at all appropriate.

  3. To “Stop the Shtus” (#1)
    Please read the article again. Finding the dog creates cautious optimism that PEOPLE may be found as well. Kindly refrain from ruach shtus (adhere to your own user name).

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