Hamas Proposes Ceasefire If Israel Stops Bombing Terror Targets

Hamas said on Saturday that Gaza terrorists had agreed to halt their rocket fire at Israel if Israel stops launching strikes against targets in the coastal territory.

Hamas spokesman Ismail Rudwan said after a meeting with faction heads over a surge in cross-border tensions with Israel, that terrorists were “committed as long as the occupation (Israel) was committed” to restore a de-facto ceasefire.

Faction representatives claimed the statement was meant to block Israel’s aggression towards residents of the Gaza Strip. They agreed a national consensus was required to help end internal Palestinian division.

Osama Al-Haj Ahmed of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said at a press conference after the meeting that all factions were committed to a state of calm as long as Israel will be committed too. He stressed that “resistance was a legtimate right of our people to defend themselves.”

Ahmed added that the factions support the invitation extended to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to visit the Gaza Strip.

Tensions between Hamas and the Islamic Jihad were reported over the weekend after Islamic Jihad militants refused to limit their rocket fire. A group of Islamic Jihad leaders left Gaza for Damascus last Thursday in order to discuss the escalation.

It is unclear what effect the Hamas statement will have. During the faction heads’ meeting a Qassam rocket was fired and exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.

Earlier on Saturday, terrorists fired two rockets at Israel, one of which caused severe damage to a house in the Eshkol Council. The other rocket landed in an open area.

Hamas’ statement comes a day before the IDF deploys theIron Dome anti-missile system in south Israel.


8 Responses

  1. 1 YWN Editor: When quoting lies against Israel, Jews and Jewish history, please put quotation marks around such words as “aggression” “occupied territories”, etc, . when uttered by ‘spokesmen’ for Hamas and similar savages.. We are required to defend ourselves against Orwellian “newspeak” .; it is a deliberate assault against emes.

    2. The offer for us not to defend ourselves, in order not to be attacked, is the kind of specious reasoning that bullies use. The appropriate response to a bully is to punch him very hard in the nose at the time of encounter.

    3. We must continue to ask Hashem to help us, in hishtadlus, by bringing Torah into the Israeli government.

  2. That’s like the infection telling the antibiotic that it will only cease attacking the body if the antibiotic stops fighting the bug. What came first?

  3. #2 Kehati,

    What are you complaining about? Neither “aggression” nor “occupied territories” appeared in the article!

  4. Just keep up the pressure…..as they said in the 70’s Nuke em all and let Gd sort em out….the disease is Hamas …the cure is the IAF….Yesher Koach IAF…..

  5. I agree with #2, PLEASE make this a more real and accurate news report! Feel free to use quotes where necessary. REALLY, they were firing on Israel!

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