Girl From Cleveland Injured In Jerusalem Terror Attack

Leah Green of Cleveland Heights feels blessed that she is in a hospital after walking into the bomb blast that hit a Jerusalem bus station March 23. She suffered burns and shrapnel wounds.

The recent Mosdos Ohr HaTorah graduate, 19, was walking down the street when the bomb exploded and threw her into the air, her mother Wendy Green said. Her leg was on fire, and she put out the flames with her hands, said her mother.

“It was a kindness from HaShem that she wasn’t killed,” her mother related Leah telling her.

Wendy Green is not sure when her daughter will be released from the hospital or how bad the leg burn is because “burns are progressive.”If the burn is severe, Wendy Green said she would fly to Jerusalem to be with her daughter.

Her name is Leah Bracha bas Shoshana Basya.

(Source: Cleveland Jewish News)

8 Responses

  1. #2, presumably it means that only as time progresses will it be able to be determined just how serious the burns are but that presumably this cannot be immediately determined.

    May she and all those in need of a refuah merit a complete and speedy recovery from Hashem.

  2. To #2- “A burn progresses” means the heat under the skin keeps burning, and the burn get’s worse and deeper for quite some time. (I think even a day or two) which is why when someone gets a burn R”L, most important is to keep cooling it with cool water. There are different theories as to how long a burn should kept under water, ranging from 15 minutes to 3 hours. The worst thing to do, is to put on any cream or even silverdine before the burn os cooled properly, because that traps the heat under the skin and even insulates it causing the burn to progress even more.

  3. it’s hard to determine precise damage of the burn – depends on how deep. the heat from the burn, if not cooled immediately, could continue to burn the skin (even after the initial cause of burn has been put out) and cause more damage to the skin. Therefore, a burn must always be cooled off asap, with cold water, and keep it soaked so that it cools off deep into the skin, not only topically.

  4. Burns are progressive because skin is an insulator, it is designed to keep heat in the body. When a part of the body is burned, R”L, the skin keeps the heat in, and tissue damage continues to occur for a period of time after the initial injury. Recovery from burns can be extremely painful and difficult. Refuah shlaimah b’karov!

  5. What a great miracle! She should have a complete refuah.I also heard of two seminary girls from Edison, New Jersey that were sitting in the back of that number 74 bus when the bomb went off and were able to miraculously escape. May hkbh have rachmonus on all yidden and bring the geulah.

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