Allied Forces Strike Gadhafi Compound; Leader’s Whereabouts Unknown

The heart of Moammar Gadhafi’s compound in Tripoli lay in shambles Monday as the United States and allies continued their mission to dilute the Libyan leader’s strength. But Gadhafi’s whereabouts — and his plans after promising a “long-drawn war” — remained unknown.

A coalition military official insisted neither Gadhafi nor his residence were intended targets of the bombing late Sunday. But the official — who was not being identified because of the sensitivity of the information — said the compound was targeted because it contained capabilities to exercise command and control over Libyan forces.

U.S. Vice Adm. Bill Gortney reinforced the coalition’s objective.

“We are not going after Gadhafi,” he said at a Pentagon press briefing. “Regime forces are more pressed and less free to maneuver.”

Asked about reports of smoke rising from the area of Gadhafi’s palace, Gortney said, “We are not targeting his residence.”

Western journalists, including CNN’s Nic Robertson, were taken inside the compound by Libyan officials to survey the destruction.

Robertson reported a four-story building was heavily damaged, possibly by cruise missiles. He held a chunk of metal retrieved from the site — with writing in English — that appeared to be from a missile.

A Libyan government official said the building was used by Gadhafi officials and said there were no casualties from the building.

The building is only 100 yards or so from a statue of a golden fist crushing a model plane emblazoned with “USA” — a monument to the 1986 American bombing of Libya, in which a U.S. plane was shot down.

Meanwhile, a witness in the Libyan city of Misrata reported “absolute destruction and carnage” by Gadhafi forces on Monday — despite the regime’s recent call for a cease-fire.

“Misrata is being flattened and razed to the ground as we speak,” said the man, who was not identified safety reasons. “He (Gadhafi) is using tanks and snipers to terrorize the city.”

He added, “They are shooting people in the main street and on the back street.”

The Libyan military announced the cease-fire after an attack near Benghazi — the heart of the Libyan opposition forces. Coalition forces pounded a Libyan military convoy there Sunday. At least 70 vehicles — including armored personnel carriers and tanks — were destroyed.

When asked about the possibility of trying to kill Gadhafi to end his regime, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said it would be “unwise” to set specific goals.

“I think that it’s important that we operate within the mandate of the U.N. Security Council resolution,” Gates told reporters Sunday while on a plane to Russia.

“If we start adding additional objectives, then I think we create a problem in that respect. I also think that it is unwise to set as specific goals, things that you may or may not be able to achieve.”

The Security Council resolution, which passed Thursday, allows member states “to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country … while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory,” according to the United Nations.

But not all countries agree with foreign attacks in Libya. The Russian government said the mission has killed innocent civilians and urged more caution. The foreign ministry in Moscow cited reports that “nonmilitary” targets were being bombed, including a cardiac center. China and Venezuela have also spoken out against the airstrikes.


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