Hillary Clinton Visits Tahrir Square

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took a short tour of Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital on Wednesday.

During the anti-government demonstrations that eventually led to the ouster of long-time Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the square was a rallying spot for protesters who transformed it from a bustling urban center into a fortified campground.

The walking tour lasted about 10 to 12 minutes, with crowds of people stopping her to shake her hand. She later met with Prime Minister Essam

“To see where this revolution happened and all that it has meant to the world is extraordinary for me,” Clinton said. “It’s just a great reminder of the power of the human spirit and universial desire for human rights and democracy. It’s just thrilling to see where this happened.”

On Tuesday, Clinton issued a strong statement of praise for Egypt’s political revolution, declaring she was “deeply inspired” by the dramatic change and promising new assistance for America’s longtime Middle East ally.

(Source: CNN)

2 Responses

  1. She is the definition of PHONY!

    She has never had an opinion on ANYthing without sticking her finger up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing at the moment.
    NO core beliefs whatsoever (except to do what will further her own career!)

    A few months ago she was a good friend of Mubarak,
    NOW “she was “deeply inspired” by the dramatic change”.
    I wouldn’t trust her (or her ‘husband’) as far as I can throw the pyramids!

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