Wisconsin Assembly Passes Union Bill

The Wisconsin state Assembly just approved the budget repair bill, stripping most collective bargaining rights from state’s public workers

“Today’s passage is a momentous step toward getting our state’s fiscal house in order. Local municipalities and school districts will now have the tools they need to deal with the pending budget crisis without widespread layoffs,” Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald said in a statement following the vote.

Fitzgerald said earlier in the day that he believes Republicans are doing what they said they would do on the campaign trail.

He said when Republicans took control of the Legislature and the governor’s office voters wanted them to change the way government works.

Taking away collective bargaining rights was not a subject during the campaign, although Republicans frequently talked about cutting costs and making it easier for local governments to deal with reductions in state aid.

During the Assembly session, Democratic state Rep. Peter Barca moved to have Fitzgerald removed as speaker. It was rejected and the Assembly moved on to the budget bill.

Thursday morning, police carried out more than a dozen protesters from a hallway in front of the state Assembly chamber.

Police began removing the protesters about an hour before the Assembly was scheduled to vote on the bill.

(Source: WISN)

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