Sarah Palin’s Unfavorable Rating Is Off The Charts

The former Alaska governor’s numbers are astonishingly upside-down, according to a new Bloomberg poll showing a 32 percentage point spread between those who have an unfavorable rating of Palin and those who view her favorably.

Of the 60 percent in the poll who have an unfavorable opinion of Palin, more than half of them – 38 percent among the whole survey – said they have a “very” unfavorable view of Palin.

Her “very” unfavorable rating is higher than the total favorability ratings of Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump and Chris Christie.

The new poll is a dip from a December Bloomberg poll showing Palin with a net favorable rating of 33 percent and a net unfavorable rating of 57 percent.

The survey is just one more indicator that if Palin were to run, she’d face a very strong headwind whenever trying to reach out to voters beyond her hardcore supporters.

More people surveyed had an opinion of Palin than any other politician surveyed except for Barack Obama, indicating that her numbers are not likely to swing wildly one way or the other.

The poll of 1,001 adults was conducted March 4-7 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

(Source: Politico)

5 Responses

  1. Well, it does seem she’s decided to make her living as a professional celebrity and pundit, rather than as a politician. And for media types, one asks not about “approval” but of ratings.

  2. There is no information here on how this poll was conducted.

    Is it a “Push Poll” that attempts to push people into giving a predetermined answer? I would trust a more professional organization, like Rasmussen much more than Liberals like Bloomberg or the New York Times.

    I polled my wife and all my first and second cousins, and they support Palin by a 72.999% margin.

  3. Charlie are you joking? Rasmussen has been very accurate in his many years of work. I am not agreeing with the person who say NYT or Bloomberg is wrong, but Rasmussen has a very good track record as a pollster.

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