Cuomo Vows Personal Push to Legalize Same-Gender Marriage

In a closed-door meeting with Toeiva advocates, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo pledged on Wednesday to deploy his own political popularity and prestige to push for the legalization of same-gender marriage in New York, saying he was prepared to devote his “full attention” to the cause this spring.

“For me, this is personal,” Mr. Cuomo said at one point, according to two people with direct knowledge of the session.

The governor’s remarks, which participants in the meeting described as unexpectedly forceful and impassioned, suggested that Mr. Cuomo and his aides intend to become deeply involved in overseeing a campaign over the next few months to permit such marriages in the state.

And they were especially striking in light of Mr. Cuomo’s long and at times fraught relationship with the Toeiva community.

The legalization of same-gender marriage still faces daunting challenges in New York, where it was defeated in the State Senate two years ago by a wide margin. But Mr. Cuomo’s commitment to using his political savvy and muscle could give advocates something they had long lacked: a unifying, persuasive leader who understands the wiles and ways of Albany.

That could prove crucial now that the Senate is controlled by Republicans, none of whom voted to legalize same-gender marriage in 2009, when the Democrats held a narrow majority.

But exactly when — or even if — same-gender marriage will come to a vote this year remains uncertain. People involved in the discussions said Mr. Cuomo and advocates were determined to avoid a repeat of the embarrassing defeat on the Senate floor in 2009, when Democratic lawmakers, advocates and Gov. David A. Paterson had difficulty coordinating their efforts, misjudged support for the bill and won far fewer votes than they had predicted. After passing in the Assembly, the bill was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 38 to 24.

This time, a person involved in the discussions said, “the governor’s office is really going to quarterback this.” Those who described the meeting did so on the condition of anonymity, citing the governor’s desire to keep the discussion confidential.


15 Responses

  1. Were the Cuomo’s always toeiva supporters? I seem to recall Cuomo’s father running against Ed Koch by mocking him as toeivanik.

  2. The pity is that New York Jews overwhelmingly put
    obama and this guy in office.

    And will probably do it again in spite of the danger to Israel Judaism and society.

    There is a movement amongst New York Jews to switch to republican party that does have values that democrates lack.

    I have been registered as republican since bill clintons games with a teenager disrespecting woman, children, famly values, honesty,integretity for the white house the oval office and world respect. clinton had nothing to do with the econmy,

    So this is my package I present to you JEWS.
    ITS TIME YOU START TO ”THINK” and not dream.

  3. Cuomo is not in office to fulfill goals which are, as he states, “pesonal” to him. He needs to be impeached. Oh, well!

  4. We should realize, that as terrible as legalizing toaiyva “marriages” would be, that is just the BEGINNING!

    If, chalila, that happens, there are pedophile and other deviant groups just waiting in the wings to legalize the type of toiayva THEY engage in.

    HaSh-m yerachaiym…

  5. #7, This issue is gaining support in the GOP, too, as evidenced by a Washtington Post article. As it gains popularity in the country, it gains popularity with the GOP. By the way, what is wrong with Socialism? You a big fan of super rich people? They all earned it by more hard work and talent than others? The problem is not the system. The problem is the people, no matter what system is in place.

  6. With all the issues that this state has, such as jobs, taxes, budgets, you’d think Cuomo would have better things to take care of. Sort of like Weiner carrying on about a statue in Queens, only worse, because obviously the ramifications here would be much worse.

  7. #6:

    Supporter of legalization or not, you must realize that you just engaged in a thoroughly debunked, hysterical, “slippery slope” argument that does your position WAY more harm than good.

  8. #12, I disagree with your opinion. It is an opinion. The slippery slope is a valid concept. It is valid with diets, excuses from learning, middos, and law. Further, there already is such an abominable group that #6 alludes to. They are “North American” and are fully staffed with legal and media representation. In addition this would open up a legal precedent for every other taboo as well.

  9. #12, it is not “thoroughly debunked”.

    Once you extend marriage outside of man-to-woman, there is definitely no stopping it from going all the way to the greatest depths of depravity.

    Hypothetically speaking, say an unmarried guy decides to adopt his minor-aged niece. If a toeiva couple is allowed to “marry” so they can have tax benefits and what-not, why can’t this uncle and niece also have that same benefit? Legally, what’s the difference?

    It is truly scary and I hope it does not become law. The plunge towards sidom vaamora is continuing, though, BE”H, it will be reversed and Moshiach will come and redeem us all BB”A.

  10. 2pence…

    There is nothing “debunked or hysterical” about this reasoning, nor does it do “more harm than good”.

    If it, chalila, becomes accepted that toaiyva “marriage” is legitimate, that means that this country (or state) which has, for the last 200 plus years been based upon the millenia old morality of the “Bible” (regardless of how different religions define the “Bible”) is now no longer based on that previously accepted morality.

    Once it is NOT based on that moral absolute, then it is entirely “reasonable” for all sorts of other deviants to claim that their specific toaiyva lifestyle should be equally acceptible.

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