Dems: Congress’s Styrofoam Cups Could Cause Cancer

A group of Democrats complain Styrofoam cups in the House cafeteria could contain carcinogens.

In a letter to Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and other Republican leaders, the nine Democrats say the Styrofoam cups and other dining materials could hold chemical components that could cause cancer. The Democrats are upset with the switch to Styrofoam from recyclable materials put into place when Democrats ran the House.

The letter asks Boehner to reconsider the switch away from recyclable to polystyrene-based foam containers, and warns that the health of visitors to the Capitol could be compromised.

“The irresponsibility of the decision to use polystyrene foam without considering other options is all the more egregious because the cafeteria is not merely used by House members and our staffers,” the lawmakers write. “The health of constituents and visitors to the Hill who eat in the cafeteria will be impacted by this short-sighted decision.”

The change to Styrofoam caused a stir among some staffers and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill late last month, when the recyclable material preferred by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was replaced. Lawmakers mostly raised concerns about Styrofoam’s impact on the environment.

Republicans have downplayed the harmful health and environmental effects of Styrofoam and said that the composting program in place under Pelosi cost too much money and did not do enough to bring down energy consumption.

But the Democratic letter cited toxicology studies that claim polystyrene contains “possible human carcinogens” and could present other health challenges, such as headaches, hearing loss, central nervous system dysfunction and difficulty sleeping.

“Eliminating polystyrene-related health impacts will result in fewer lost work days and lower heath insurance costs for the House and its staff,” the lawmakers write. “This benefit alone should outweigh any cost savings from using polystyrene containers.”

The “Dear Colleague” notice soliciting signatures from other lawmakers, which was circulated by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), is titled “Cancer Causing Cups in the Cafeteria?”

The other lawmakers who signed the letter are Reps. James Moran (D-Va.), George Miller (D-Calif.), Mike Honda (D-Calif.), Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), Susan Davis (D-Calif.) and Chellie Pingree (D-Maine).


16 Responses

  1. The article is misleading. Styrofoam is a brand name, a trademark of Dow Chemical, which does not make plastic cups.

  2. Don’t know if it really causes cancer, but it certainly seems to cause dementia, and effects Democratic members of Congress.

  3. 1. The FDA thinks otherwise.

    2. The article in Wikipedia with references is under “Polystyrene” (styrofoam is a popular misnomer).

    3. Perhaps this is more gibberish from the same people who brought us the panic over purported global warming, not to mention the apparently absurd “vaccines cause autism” hoax.

  4. Global warming is a fact.

    Vaccines don’t cause autism is also a fact.

    There ARE some carcinogens in polystyrene foam. But they are in very small amounts and the FDA has looked at the evidence and determined that polystyrene is safe for food.

    The main concern regarding polystyrene is indeed environmental: It is not easily recycled, it is toxic to some animal and marine life, and it doesn’t biodegrade so it helps to fill up landfills (thus increasing taxes).

    There are also some non-kosher ingredients deliberately added to polystyrene cups, but most poskim hold that it is not a halachic issue.

    By comparison, polyethylene terephthalate is easily recyclable into new containers, or carpet or clothing fiber. It is the “#1” plastic you find most often used for soft drink containers. Billions of such containers have been turned into carpets. It is also easily and safely incinerated.

  5. Can’t they just buy glass cups and some $10 hired help to wash them. Problem solved, or is that too complex for congress to contemplate

  6. this is seriously getting ridiculous, everything has to be political war. i guarantee you all these fruitcake dims have those cups in their houses, and they are just using this for some sort of political attacks. these people are senators, and congress not children. yet that is precisely how these people act.

  7. Charlie Hall, the only Fact about Global warming is that liberal loons like you, have made up junk science, its a myth. This story is yet another example of how crazy liberals are. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  8. Seems as if CharlieHall has been practicing for Purim. Hey Charles, leave the bottle alone for a few days. You practiced enough already.

    For as many “scientists” that claim there is global warming, there are far more that have proven it the other way. Even if there was global warming there is NOTHING that man could do about it and if you think there was something humans could do about it – as if WE control it – YOU ARE WRONG!!

    If the loser socialist liberals dont want the cups, they could send them to me, and we will be more than happy to use them!!

  9. If information is correct and Styrofoam Cups Could Cause Cancer, why Democrats worry only about themselves? What about the rest of population of the United States? 🙂

  10. No one argues that it is warmer now than it was in the time of the Vilna Gaon or the Mahral, but it was at least just as warm in the time of Rashi and the Rambam. It was probably warmer during the Bayis Sheini, and cooler during the period soon thereafter. Similarly, I can accurately predict massive global warming (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) for the next three months (since May is so much warmer than February).

    What the Democrats are doing is taking regular variations in climate, deciding the sky is falling, and that the only solution is to raise taxes and give money to their friends for programs that are at best a mere waste of money and perhaps will be quite harmful.

  11. Charlie Hall your a shotah for just blindly following what the dems say. Rav Avigdar Miller Z”L said Global warming is totally sheker which liberals made up.

  12. This issue might be valid to bring up, but you would think with the job market still weak, a massive budget deficit, two wars overseas, absolute chaos in the ME and NA, Congress would make better use of their time.

  13. #12 relax, you use such strong language for someone’s views on global warming, it is not like he is saying he likes Hitler. Who is to say that Rav Avigdor Miller ztl would still hold that opinion today? and who says there are not major rabbonim who disagree?

  14. I wouldn’t use (styro)foam cups or plates for hot things, in fact, I haven’t used them for years because of their chemical nature. They’re not only unsafe for congressmen , but, for anybody who uses them. I think every Congressman should have his own mug for coffee and wash it out himself, just like they do in some offices.

  15. #14 – Strong language is NOT inappropriate. Global warming is increasingly appearing to be similar to the “Vaccines cause autism” movement that has resulted in serious measles epidemics, or the politically correct but as it turns out somewhat in error evaluation of the insecticide DDT which has result in an epidemic of malaria in the developing countries and claimed millions of lives (not affect the developed countries who successfully used DDT to take care of the problem – until then malaria outbreaks were common in all non-polar regions).

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