Rep. Peter King Gets More Security Following Threats

Long Island Congressman Peter King is facing threats — and getting extra security.

But he vowed Monday to forge ahead with controversial hearings on radicalization in the Muslim-American community, reports CBS 2’s Tony Aiello.

King was heavily criticized at a weekend rally in Times Square.
But the congressman was strongly supported at a smaller rally nearby.

“I want to show the extent of that radicalization, how it happens. Also whether or not the Muslim community is fully cooperating,” Rep. King said.

Every Homeland Security chair gets protection, but King’s has been stepped up in the wake of threats — some generated by the controversy over the hearings.

“I’m getting a lot of hostile phone calls now, but the main threats I’m getting are from overseas,” Rep. King said.

King said he views his effort in the same vein as 1995 Senate hearings into the white militia movement, which took place right after the Oklahoma City terror bombing.

“And they were gathering support, and I thought it was important to investigate them,” King said.

King also said he promises to hear from a wide-range of voices, including Muslims that oppose the hearings, but intend to participate.

Among the figures invited to testify by Democrats is the sheriff of Los Angeles County, who is seen as a close ally of the Muslim community.

(Source: WCBSTV)

11 Responses

  1. I think the SILENT MAJORITY
    supports PETER KING.

    The 3000 world trade victims and countless others

  2. I think the ISRAELI VICTIMS
    the IDF victims
    the lost travelers on Israel roads
    The Gilad Shalits
    The Hebrom massacres, the wedding party victims
    the yeshiva victims
    the American Ft Hood victims
    tHE SHIP USS COLE, the Marine Barracks, etc etc
    The parents of ALL the Israel soldiers
    never knowing what the day will bring,

    as the root of islam is from YIshmael

  3. Kudos to congressman King. He is a brave man who deserves our full support. To that 1 poster who continues to harp on Mr. King’s endorsement of the IRA, I say the following:
    1.He agreed with their cause not their methods;
    2.It’s totally absurd to compare a revolt against one
    country with activities confined to its borders, to
    moslem/arab terror against most of the civilized

  4. I wonder whom it is that is threatening him???

    It couldn’t possibly be any of those innocent peace-loving moslems he is investigating for no reason.

  5. As per the well known vort of the Chofetz Chaim…

    If HaSh-m made a point of telling us that Yishmael was a
    PEREH/adam, He wouldn’t have done so just for that one person, in that one era.
    He was telling us this message FOR ALL TIME.
    Even if a yishmaeli is wearing a $1,000 dollar suit or has a fancy title or degree, he remains at his core – a

  6. to insane conservative #3,

    The IRA has helped train — and possibly supply — Arab terrorist bombers, and also FARC terrorists in Columbia. I’m unaware of King ever complaining.

  7. To #1 and others: I realize there’s a silent majority, but it’s not halacha or a law that we must remain silent. Congressman King appreciates support at this critical time. Although I don’t live in Long Island, I wrote to him praising his move to call hearings, and said I wish we had a congressman with his outlook and ability in my area.

    He wrote back saying he appreciates my thoughts and support.

  8. #8 Mark,

    I note your approval of those who are ok with training terrorist bombers who attack Jews.


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