NYC Employee Scofflaws Getting Targeted In Crackdown On Parking Fines

City Hall is hunting down municipal employees who aren’t paying their parking tickets—4,600 deadbeats with 12,000 outstanding tickets worth a total of $1.6 million—in one of the biggest crackdowns in years, The Post has learned.

The city Finance Department intends in the next few months to garnishee the wages of evasive employees who have failed to heed the recent warnings they received from their own commissioners to pay up.

After agency heads fired off warning memos in December, the city recovered $600,000 in outstanding fines from 2,600 workers who paid 5,600 tickets, according to agency data.

But 4,600 delinquents—representing every city agency and averaging $350 in individual ticket debt—remain.

Facing massive budget shortfalls, the Finance Department reorganized its collections unit last December and ramped up pursuit of delinquent drivers. The agency is also sending more debts to collection agencies.

The city was owed $440 million in outstanding parking debt from all drivers as of last November.

By the numbers

City workers with unpaid parking tickets in December: 7,200

Tickets: 17,600 Amount owed: $2.2M Employees who have since paid: 2,600 Amount they paid: $600,000 Workers who still owe: 4,600 Tickets still owed: 12,000 Amount still owed: $1.6M Average amount owed: $350

(Read More: NY Post)

2 Responses

  1. First of all, what’s a “garnishee”?
    2nd of all, why are municipal workers different than anyone else?
    3rd of all, “City Hall is hunting down municipal employees who aren’t paying their parking tickets” What are they going to do already once they hunt them down? They already have the punishment of paying their tickets!

  2. Garnishee is refered to deducting from their salary.
    municipal workers are easy to do since the city pays them they don’t need to go to their private company to get at their paycheck, they have to hunt them down to see which agency to go to

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