Plan Will Pay Yeshiva Students NIS 15,000 Salary In Construction

Minister of Housing and Construction Ariel Atias agreed on a new plan with senior executives of the Association of Contractors and Builders in Israel to employ Charedi yeshiva students in the construction industry, “Yediot Ahronot” reports. The yeshiva students would earn a monthly salary of NIS 15,000. Atias has reportedly spoken with Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Shalom Simhon on the matter.

The plan is meant to provide a partial solution to the shortage of manpower in the construction industry.

The Association of Contractors and Builders in Israel has been calling for months to raise foreign workers’ quotas. Atias is now trying to lead a new campaign to have yeshiva students employed in the building industry, but a main question is what response there will be from the Charedi community.

Atias told Yediot Ahronot, “I envisage a response from hundreds of yeshiva students who will be able to support themselves with dignity. There are already Charedi people working in industrialized building. We will approach mayors and mobilize the ultra orthodox to work.”

(Source: Globes)

9 Responses

  1. Let’s see the non religious sending their precious children first. Why do you think only Arabs and foreigners do this jobs in Israel? Because it’s below the Israeli’s Kavod to do such a job. Oh, but the Chareidim – yeah sure, they are on the level of the Arabs and the foreigners – let them build, while the precious little golden non religious kids get all the good jobs in offices (which many times refuse acceptance to Chareidim who are sometimes more qualified)! Ha, let’s see how many bachurim they get – not for all the money in the world!

  2. Wow!! NIS 15,000 per month. Who is going to pay this? This sounds like so many of the bait and switch schemes the Government of Israels makes up to draw Olim. There are all sorts of subsidized work plans in Israel. Some are for Olim, some for minorities and some for veterans. They all share a common factor. They are subsidized for a year or two and then those involved must either look for something else of take a significant drop in pay. Sometimes as much as half. So again I ask, who is paying for this? There is just no way an Israeli contractor is going to pay a construction worker nearly twice the average salary when he has been barely paying minimum wages until now.

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

  3. If you beleive Yishuv Ha’aretz is a Mitsvah, then it should only be done with those who are Mitzuveh.

    to 1)
    I don’t mean to be rude, but most of these charaidim have no marketable skills. what else should they do?

  4. The average salary in Israel is seven thousand shekel a month. They are more than doubling that for first time workers. This is a great opportunity! Most Israeli yeshiva students in the Charedi system do not have any secular studies in yeshiva ketana, no math, science, physics, accounting, business, computers, etc…The secular kids and the Daati Leumi have full Bagrut and are are trained in the army as well, so they are qualified to walk into an office setting. It is a sick society which encourages handouts which is not bekovod at all, and despises honest labour. gg I hope that the bochrim will jump at the chance to earn money and self respect. Let their wives not have to bear the children and the parnassa for those who have this societal pressure but can not handle it. And the arabs and foreigners can go back to other countries and stop robbing the locals and stop marrying the Jewish girls who are misled by them.

  5. That is the most ridiculous article ever. 15,000 shekel??? The normal Israeli salary is about 5,500 shekel. The outcry will be greater when chareidim suck the system dry for their salaries destroying the country.

  6. GG, I don’t know where you are getting at. If one has a college degree and the experience he/she is qualified and has an opportunity to receive that office job. If one doesn’t have those credentials then they won’t be considered. I can’t say if the charedidim or the Non-religious have those qualifications or not.
    Regardless, it is a proper balance in life to learn AND work to have a parnasa for the family.

  7. What Kavod are you talking about?
    A respectable job is an honest job.
    If you need money to feed your children, you are not going to be very picky, are you?
    I see more Kavod in working hard and earning your food than being hungry.
    The real question is this – will our boys be tempted to leave Torah for money, even if they don’t desperately need it? Is this a new trap of the government?

  8. What’s wrong with working? Is it more dignified to live off of handouts? Besides the non religious get better jobs be ause they go to the army.

  9. sh9888, What do you mean will they leave torah because a trap of the government. Anyone can leave Torah is they want to. I am impressed by many people who work a full day, yet still wake up early to daven with a minyan and learn daf yomi or parsah. I am confident these boys have the same ability and can learn even more, while working.

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