Conference Of Presidents Appeals to President Raul Castro To Release Alan Gross

Leaders of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and its 51 member organizations have sent an appeal to President of Cuba Raul Castro to release Alan P. Gross from prison on humanitarian grounds and allow him to be reunited with his family in the United States.

In the letter to President Castro, Conference of Presidents Chairman Alan Solow and Executive Vice Chairman Malcolm Hoenlein focused on Gross’ commitment to the Jewish community and the people of Cuba. “Mr. Gross has long been an active and committed member of the Jewish community in the United States. He has lived his life following the Jewish teachings of tikkun olam (“repairing the world”), as demonstrated by the multiple humanitarian projects he has developed around the world – from the Middle East to Latin America. His work has touched and improved the lives of thousands of people. When Mr. Gross was arrested he believed he was advancing his humanitarian work in Cuba,” the letter stated.

The letter also requests that President Castro consider Gross’ health and family circumstances. Gross has lost 90 pounds and is suffering from serious physical ailments as well as from extreme mental stress and anguish because of his daughter’s bout with cancer.

Gross, who has been held in a Cuban jail since December 3, 2009, was only charged earlier this month with “Acts against the Independence and Territorial Integrity of the State” and a trial date of March 4th was set yesterday. If convicted, Gross could face up to 20 years in prison. According to Gross’ family and U.S. State Department officials, he was in Cuba on a U.S. Agency for International Development contract to help the Jewish community communicate with other Jewish communities through the Internet. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley has said that what Gross did “is not a crime.”

“We have addressed Mr. Gross’ plight in a letter to President Obama and also requested a meeting with Cuban officials to the U.S. to discuss Mr. Gross’ plight. We are now appealing directly to President Castro. We hope that he will recognize that Mr. Gross’ project was purely humanitarian in nature with no political motivations and that he will allow Mr. Gross’ prompt release. Mr. Gross was held in prison for nearly 14 months before being charged. Should he be convicted in his upcoming trial, we hope that President Castro will release him for time served,” said Solow and Hoenlein.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Yet another fellow Jew who needs pidyon shevuyim!

    There are others we don’t specifically know about, because publicity would only harm them and lessen the chances of their release.

    When we daven for Shalit and the boys in Japan, let’s add a plea for ALL shevuyim, wherever they may be. It may be an added zechus for them all that we are showing concern for all Jewish prisoners.

    may we have only besoros tovos.

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