Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Limiting Union Rights

Early Friday Morning, the Wisconsin assembly passed a bill that would strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights.

It’s the first step in the new governor Scott Walker’s plan.

The vote put an end to three days of debate in the assembly, but the greater debate is most definitely not over yet. The measure now goes to the Senate, where minority Democrats walked out last week — preventing a vote there. No one knows when, or if, Senate Democrats will return from their hideout in Illinois.

Republicans sent state troopers to their homes yesterday, but found nothing.

Governor Walker says his plan fixes a $137-million dollar state deficit, but Democrats and Unions see his plan as an attack on workers’ rights.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. This bill gives workers a choice whether to pay union dues or not. It definitely hurts the fat union bosses, but gives the actual workers a chance to leave the union without loosing the job. Good for the worker and good for the taxpayer.

  2. Unions are known to work for their own pocket and not for the benefit of the workers nor the companies. They have shut down many a company and sent the work overseas for cheaper labor. When unions formed it was the best idea to protect the workers. But it turned into mafia that helps only themselves to the detriment of the workers and the American economy.

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