Camp Emes Yerushalayim Offers Free Trip To Poland For First 25 To Apply For Camp

This summer, Project Mesorah, the organization responsible for furthering Holocaust education in Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov schools, is expanding its repertoire of educational activities by introducing the “Mesorah Trip to Poland”, led by world renowned lecturer and author Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn.

The inaugural trip will be joined by Yerushalayim based camp, Camp Emes. Camp Emes is a 6 week summer program for Yeshiva Bocherim ages 13-18.

The tour aims to give today’s American Yeshiva Bocher an appreciation of the richness and vibrancy of Jewish life in pre-war Europe, and to confront the difficult issue of the Holocaust from a Torah-true and age appropriate perspective.

“A real focus of the tour, is education”, says Camp Emes director Rabbi Elly Merenstein. “We want to educate today’s Frum teenager about the world that was, to really illustrate to them what we lost in the Holocaust. Our hope is that this will teach them in furthering their appreciation of Jewish identity, and make them feel that they have a mission: to continue the work of the Sh’earis H’apleita to rebuild that lost world”.

“Rabbi Krohn, affectionately known as “the American Maggid”, will use his treasure house of Divrei Torah, Chizuk and stories to bring the remnants of European Jewish life alive in the minds of the Bocherim”.

After the trip, the group will continue onward, prepared to maximize the potential that Eretz Yisrael has to offer.

The tour itinerary includes Auschwitz-Birkenau, Schindler’s factory and the original Sarah Schneirer Bais Yaakov building. The boys will visit and have a Seder Limud at Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin. There will be powerful Teffilos at the grave-sites of significant Torah personalities, among them the Rema, Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk, the Netziv and Rav Chaim Brisker. Participants will also spend a Shabbos in the city of Krakow.

The trip will be free of charge for the first twenty-five campers who will be joining Camp Emes this summer. The trip will be made available at low rates to the ensuing campers as well. There will be  room  made available to boys not continuing on to the program in Eretz Yisrael. Fathers and Grandfathers are welcome to join.

The Poland tour will be followed by Camp Emes’s sixth summer in Eretz Yisrael. R’ Elly will be traveling from Eretz Yisrael to the United States to meet with parents and campers who are interested in learning more about the opportunity. For more information, you can call the camp office at 718.713.8453 or email: [email protected].

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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