Protest Outside NY Rep King’s office

About 200 protestors rallied Tuesday outside the district office of Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford), who has stirred controversy with his plans to hold hearings on radical Islam in his role as homeland security committee chairman.

A counter protest backing King broke out as well, with the total number of protestors split about evenly “for” and “against.” The peaceful groups were watched by at least 30 police officers on Park Boulevard in Massapequa Park.

Christian, Jewish and Muslim opponents of the hearings had billed their event as an interfaith “pray-in.”

They’re urging King not to hold controversial hearings on what he calls the “radicalization” of some American Muslims.

Some protesters held up crosses or Muslim crescent symbols.

King supporters carried signs that read, “Don’t Tread on Me.”

It wasn’t clear whether the Congressman was at his office.

(Source: Long Island Press)

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