Rahm Emanuel On Verge Of Taking Big Step Toward Becoming Chicago’s First Jewish Mayor

The following is a NY Daily News article:

Chicago voters were poised Tuesday to move former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel a huge step closer to becoming the Windy City’s first Jewish mayor.

Most polls showed Emanuel leading the pack of Democrats vying for the top job in City Hall – he’s been the clear front-runner since he resigned to run for mayor last fall.

Emanuel has to win more than 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff on April 5. And Republicans are scarce in Chicago.

So winning the Democratic primary would give Emanuel a lock on a job that Richard Daley held for more than two decades.

Emanuel’s former boss and fellow Chicagoan, President Obama, has not weighed in publicly on the mayoral race.

Also vying for mayor are former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, former Chicago public schools president Gery Chico, City Clerk Miguel del Valle and two largely unknown longshot candidates.

Voting appeared to be brisk in a city where the dead have been known to cast ballots and where election day hijinks are part of the local lore.

Emanuel’s five-month bid to become mayor had its share of unexpected twists and turns.

He had to prove he was a Chicagoan and thus entitled to run for mayor in a legal battle went all the way up to the Illinois Supreme Court.

He also had to fend off a challenge by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and other black leaders, who tried to get the city’s massive African-American vote behind Braun.

Armed with name recognition and a $12 million war chest, pollsters said Emanuel appeared to shaved off at least half of the black vote.

He also was believed to be running strong in Chicago’s other big voting blocks – the Poles and Hispanics.

(Source: NY Daily News)

9 Responses

  1. I urge my fellow Chicago Jews — if they have not yet voted — to vote for another candidate, Gery Chico.

    When Mr. Chico was president of the Chicago Board of Education his employees were going to terminate the lease of local Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School and evict them from the public school they were occupying. (According to the lease, the Board of Ed. was entitled to take back the building whenever they needed it.) However, in response to the concerns of our community, Mr. Chico — one of the Chassidei Umos HaOlam — authorized the building of a new public school, enabling our daughters to continue (to this day) to learn in the building. We owe Mr. Chico an Hakaras HaTov.

    In contrast, Mr. Emanuel — who has been very unfriendly toward Israel as President Obama’s chief of staff — is a Mechalel Shabbos BEFARHESIA (i.e., he appears on TV regularly on Shabbos) who is married to a Geyores, whose Geyrus is questionable. In fact, Prime Minister Netanyahu has called him a “self-hating Jew.”

  2. No. 2: Your first reason for supporting Mr. Chico is that he used public resources for the benefit of a Jewish private school. It may have been legal and appropriate, but it sounds kind of liberal.:)

  3. A wise person once said to never take another Jews cheshbon. It is difficult for us to know ANYTHING about Rahm Emanuel if we dont know him personally. Further, information from the media, from what I know, should not really be believed since the media is not known to be a first-hand, truth seeking institution.

    Who much do we REALLY know about him or any other Jew in the media?

  4. I voted for Gery Chico this morning. His first wife and three daughters, are Jewish. Mr. Chico’s personal skill set and professional resume are the perfect fit for the mayor’s chair.

    Former Alderman Manny Flores endorsed Gery Chico for mayor, pointing to Chico’s long record of improving education for Chicago students and stimulating economic development in Chicago communities.

    Mr.Flores described Chico as “eminently qualified” to lead the city during these challenging times.

  5. i live in ny but i would not vote for emanuel for a varity of reasons 1) he is a liberel 2)he is a (aka) jew & we get to br blamed foe everything that will go wrong 3) he thinks that he is suppose to win cause IM ROHM EMANUEL OBAMAS CHEIF OF STAFF. in for the same reason i did not vote for coumo!!!

  6. No. 5 writes, in part: “the media is not known to be a first-hand, truth seeking institution”. Does that include The Wall Street Journal? The New York Times? YWN?

    And who (besides you) says the media not to be a first-hand, truth seeking institution?

    You paint “the media” with a broad brush. Perhaps your broad brush is more suited to a house.

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