Bloomberg To Sign Legislation Expanding Smoking Ban

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is expected to sign legislation into law today that bans smoking in many public spaces around the five boroughs.

Under the new law, smoking will be banned in the city’s 1,700 parks and 14 miles of public beaches and. City pools and recreation centers will also be smoke free.

The bill also bans smoking in city pedestrian plazas, where people congregate.

Violators could face a $50 fine.

The goal is to reduce secondhand smoke – and trash.

The City Council overwhelmingly approved the measure earlier this month.

Smokers will still be able to light up on sidewalks next to parks, squares or public places. Parking lots are also okay.

The law will go into effect 90 days after the mayor signs it.

The city already prohibits smoking in playgrounds, outdoor sporting events and concerts, as well as at bars and restaurants.

Critics call the expanded ridiculous, saying it will ultimately hurt the economy.

For more information on the newest smoking ban, go to

(Source: NY1)

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